How do I upload an old img file?

Linode Staff

Hello guys.

  1. I last saved an image to my hard drive last year

  2. This image has my company website, and at the time the layout was excellent. I made the site in joomla, and thought about restoring the image in linode and seeing the site working to remind the organization of the layout.

  3. I followed the image upload instructions, but I'm not able to make it work.

I believe it's an old kernel configuration, and looking at: boot / grub / grub.cfg I checked that it uses a linux that is not available anymore.

I know I can mount the image and retrieve the files, but it's a matter of running the joomla site and remembering how the site layout was at the time.

I copy the settings from the grub.cfg file to see if it helps in any way.

I do not need to leave it running for many days … just remember and copy some ideas and configs and then I can delete it again …

1 Reply

Hey there,

Thanks for reaching out to us. There are a couple options for trying to get an old .img file to work. You can do it from within your Linode or VirtualBox (not on Linode).

Option 1 - Upload to a Linode

Since it's an .img file it should have all the kernel information for booting up. You can follow the guide below for uploading the .img file. Then in the Linode Manager under Disk Profile you select "Direct Disk" for the kernel. This would cause the Linode to boot from the kernel in the .img file.

Upload a Disk over SSH

This method works as long as the .img file has all the kernel information needed to boot.

Option 2- Use VirtualBox

Since this website does not need to be live. You can convert the .img file to a .vdi (VB file). With this method once you've got the website up you could update the site to work with any kernel you want. Then follow the copying a disk over ssh guide to upload your your disk. I outlined the steps below to get this to work on a local computer.

  1. Download VirtualBox

  2. Convert an .img to .vdi

  3. Import the .vdi file

I hope this help point you in the right direction.


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