博客网络网络状况更新 - 2016 年 4 月

网络状况更新 - 2016年4月

一月份的博文中中,亚历克斯-福斯特(Alex Forster)明确指出,我们正在实施一项计划,对所有数据中心的网络进行升级。我们希望与大家分享目前已完成的工作和仍需完成的工作。


自 2015 年 12 月以来,我们的网络运营部门增加了两名新成员,他们之间共有 24 年的工作经验。 我们的新任网络运营经理丹-斯帕塔罗(Dan Spataro)带来了他在骨干网和数据中心网络维护方面的丰富经验。 欧文-康威(Owen Conway)也是从全球最大的对等交换中心之一 LINX 来的。他们与我们现有的网络运营团队一起不懈努力,对我们的网络基础设施进行了重大改进,事实证明他们是我们团队的宝贵补充。



我们计划的第一阶段是在每个办公地点安装新的更大容量的网络硬件。这些新设备将大大提高我们的互联网容量,并 这些新设备将大大提高我们的互联网容量,使我们能够同时与多个互联网对等设备进行多家庭连接。我们的网络运营团队一直在尽快推出这些新硬件,目前正在与我们的供应商一起进行多项同步开通工作。我们希望在五月中旬完成这些安装工作。



由于不同地理位置的基础设施存在差异,我们不得不创造性地在各个数据中心增加大量带宽容量,以便与各地区的一级供应商连接。我们的第一个计划是采购 200 Gbps 的点亮服务,从我们的数据中心地点连接到连接良好的运营商酒店。供应商预计第一个地点的安装日期为 6 月底。我们无法接受这个时间表,因此我们决定租赁自己的暗光纤并自行点亮。进入市场的时间更快,潜在容量更大。每个 DC 的容量不再是固定的 200 Gbps,我们可以根据需求为每个 DC 提供数 TB 的容量。我们预计将在未来几周内开始推出光纤设备,并希望在 5 月中旬开通第一批网点。



互联网容量是我们 DDoS 缓解战略的重要组成部分,容量越大越好。目前,我们正在努力提高互联网的万亿字节容量,并已开始通过与数百个互联网对等方通过许多高容量链路进行对等互联来实现这一目标。我们还与另外三家一级供应商达成协议,为我们所有的数据中心地点提供更多的互联网连接。我们将于下周在法兰克福开始安装这些协议中的第一批连接。


评论 (12)

  1. Author Photo

    I’m very pleased to see some progress on this. It’s been a rough several months, I know, and I’m happy to see follow-through at long last. Can’t wait to see what it’s like after this is all rolled out in full!

  2. Author Photo
    Linode Customer

    When will you be detailing the recent changes to the DNS service? Anybody with half a networking brain (which is presumably all of your customers) can see what you did, but we’re waiting for you to tell us the how and why of it.

  3. Author Photo

    Most of the DNS-related changes have been gone over here:


    Not sure there’s going to be a full blog post dedicated to the CloudFlare Nameserver switch.

  4. Author Photo

    I realise you can’t do everything at once but do you have any plans regarding block storage in the pipeline? I’ve been at my instance’s storage limit for some time and given the expansion options at Linode it’s very hard to ignore the new block options from your competitors.

  5. Author Photo

    No doubt Linode’s infrastructure is always the best in VPS, but from software service aspect, it ‘s kind of outdated: the dashboard looks like Web 1.0, docker support – docker machine drive, elastic IP, etc. Please put more effort on your software service. Now, software industry is started transfer into container based microservice, even serverless, the infrastructure layer should be expose less and less to the developers.

  6. Author Photo

    I disagree with Docker support. It’s too early to bet on it IMO. I like VPS because it’s a bare-metal solution.

    Elastic IP would be nice in theory, but not in the way AWS does it, please. One of my apps needs to bind multiple IPs to a socket, which is simply impossible with AWS. I hated it when I had to learn their proprietary way of doing on everything.

    If you want an encapsulated infrastructure layer, go with PaaS like Heroku.

  7. Author Photo

    If Web 1.0 dashboard is working fine and secure, I see no reason to change that; since anytime you could write your favorite fancy Web-UI with Linode API.

    Time-to-time DDoS packet-drop and Tokyo-sold-out(KVM announced for ~1 year) shall be resolved ASAP.

  8. Author Photo

    Nice! 🙂 I can’t believe I missed this announcement. Credit where due.

  9. Author Photo

    Glad you’re beefing up your network capacity. But this doesn’t change a thing for us: customers of yours that get DDOSed will still be booted off your platform. That is pretty harsh. Yes, there are services such as Cloudflare which protects websites cheaply but what about FTP, SSH + other random ports applications use? You really should offer some kind of paid DDOS protection service with all that bandwidth you’re buying, which can be turned on with a flick of the switch. We’re running our external firewalls with a DDOS protected provider then routing traffic to your DC and considering just making a switch to have everything under one roof.

  10. Author Photo

    I realise you can’t do everything at once but do you have any plans regarding block storage in the pipeline? I’ve been at my instance’s storage limit for some time and given the expansion options at Linode it’s very hard to ignore the new block options from your competitors.

    There isn’t anything in the line at the time, but it’s certainly something that is always considered! Linode has always been trying to provide more for the same price – cause they love you. Promise.

    No doubt Linode’s infrastructure is always the best in VPS, but from software service aspect, it ‘s kind of outdated: the dashboard looks like Web 1.0, docker support – docker machine drive, elastic IP, etc. Please put more effort on your software service. Now, software industry is started transfer into container based microservice, even serverless, the infrastructure layer should be expose less and less to the developers.

    Touching up the look and infrastructure is something always considered as well, and our engineers have been working on this, actually! You can find their progress on it (as well as a github to the project) here:


  11. Author Photo

    “The provider estimated a late June install date…”.

    Should’ve gone with “the provider”. It’s almost September and you’re still single-homed in Atlanta.

  12. Author Photo

    Which data centers are complete on this now? Is there a schedule that we can see?


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