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BlogDocumenting the Alternative Cloud: Linode’s Take on Technical Documentation

Documenting the Alternative Cloud: Linode’s Take on Technical Documentation

Documenting the Alternative Cloud

When it comes to unlocking the full potential of cloud computing, technical documentation is crucial to the developer’s experience. Technical documentation serves as a critical resource for developers, enabling them to become more knowledgeable about their providers’ capabilities, functionality, and benefits. Without it, developers can lose valuable time and make missteps that take hours to find and correct later. 

As a result, cloud vendors are investing heavily in improving product documentation for their customers. But large providers and alternative cloud providers have taken different routes. While the big hyperscale providers design documentation primarily for expert users, alternative cloud providers have created guides that span different experience levels, from first-time developers to advanced professionals. 

In this video, Redmonk Senior Industry Analyst KellyAnn Fitzpatrick and I discuss how Linode makes documentation more accessible for all users with a docs-as-code approach, which relies on coding terminology familiar to users.

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