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Increase Your Productivity and Reduce Costs

Deploy faster with our global cloud infrastructure and straightforward pricing: No surprise bills, no lock-in, and transparent pricing across every data center.

Rated a Leading IaaS Provider

Simple. Affordable. Accessible.

Core Cloud Services

Everything you need to build, launch, and scale your applications.


The network, reliability, and support to grow your business.

Plus Free Services: DDoS Protection, VLANs, Cloud Firewall, Monitoring, Generous Transfer, 24/7 Support . . .

Why Developers Love Us

Linode G2 Testimonials blog image.

All Packages Include...

No Cost, DDoS Protection

24/7/365 Email & Phone Support

   User-Friendly Cloud Manager

99.99% Uptime SLA

DNS Management

Private VLAN

Linode Full-Featured API Best-in-Class API & CLI

 Technical Documentation

   Free Bundled Transfer

Monitoring & Alerts

   Cloud Firewall

   Worldwide Availability

   App Marketplace

  IPv6 Support



Ready to get started?

$100 credit will be applied to your new account

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I sign up for the free trial?

Use your Google or GitHub single sign-on or provide your email to create a new account. A valid payment method is required to validate your identity, but we will not charge you during your trial. Promotional credits are available only to new customers who have not signed up for a free trial.

What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, PayPal, and Google Pay (with an associated credit card). For additional payment options, including wire transfer, purchase orders, and ACH, please contact us. Note that when you add a card, we may send a temporary pre-authorization request to the issuing bank. This pre-authorization charge is immediately released, but may take a few days to clear from your card depending on the bank.

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