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블로그Linode고가용성/IP 장애 조치 지원

고가용성/ IP 장애 조치 지원

사실상 동일한 데이터 센터 내의 Linodes 간에 IP 장애 조치와 함께 전체 "고가용성" 클러스터링 작업을 수행할 수 있는 새로운 유틸리티를 추가했습니다. 유틸리티는 IP 장애 조치 방법을 관리하거나 구성하지 않지만, 연결된 Linodes의 선택한 IP 주소를 다른 Linodes에서 가져올 수 있도록 합니다.

이 새로운 기능은 "IP 장애 조치"를 클릭하면 원격 액세스 탭에 있습니다.



댓글 (9)

  1. Author Photo

    I assume that if we want to use this feature you’ll try your best to get our redundant host in a different rack and on a different breaker?

  2. Author Photo

    [quote:24d3b1d3bb=”jeffml”]I assume that if we want to use this feature you’ll try your best to get our redundant host in a different rack and on a different breaker?[/quote]


  3. Author Photo

    Were you working on this when I opened a ticker for this?
    or you just began after and finished the job?
    Either way it is amazing! I will test this feature soon.

  4. Linode Blog » Private Back-End Network Support

    […] over this private network. Database replication, backups and rsync also come to mind. Oh, and IP Failover works for both public and private […]

  5. Author Photo


    Does linode supports “Ultramonkey” loadbalancing

  6. Author Photo

    Oh how did I miss this… nice 🙂

  7. No Node like Linode | Web Business Journey

    […] but your server must be rebooted to use the new IP address. It is only Linode that offers a true floating IP that can dynamically move between servers without requiring either server to be rebooted. So Linode […]

  8. Author Photo

    How do I know that the 2 nodes reside in different hardware in linode?

  9. Nathan Melehan

    Your Linode’s host will be displayed next to the ‘Host’ label on your Linode’s dashboard in the Manager. Our platform will try to make sure your Linodes are created on different hosts. If you end up with two Linodes on the same host, the Linode Support Team can help move one of them to a different host.

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