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블로그스토리지Block Storage 이제 싱가포르와 런던에서 사용 가능

싱가포르와 런던에서 지금 사용할 수 있는 블록 스토리지


Block Storage 이제 AP-SOUTH (싱가포르)와 EU-WEST (런던)에서도 이용할 수 있습니다!

다음은 ETA와 함께 현재 가용성 매트릭스입니다.

데이터 센터 가용도
우리-동쪽 (뉴어크) 지금 사용 가능
우리 중심 (댈러스) 지금 사용 가능
우리 서쪽 (프리몬트) 지금 사용 가능
EU 센트럴(프랑크푸르트) 지금 사용 가능
ap-south (싱가포르) 지금 사용 가능
ap-northeast (도쿄2) Q3 2018
유웨스트 (런던) 지금 사용 가능

ap-동북부 (도쿄2)는 3분기 초에 제공될 예정이며, 비슷한 시기에 us-west (프리몬트)에도 용량을 추가할 계획입니다.

오늘 블록 스토리지로 시작하려면 블록 스토리지 제품 페이지와 시작 가이드를자유롭게 살펴 보십시오.

댓글 (18)

  1. Author Photo

    Yes yes yes! Thanks heaps Linode, you guys are legends!!

  2. Author Photo

    The waiting is over. Thanks Linode.

  3. Author Photo

    Finally Singapore ready.

    I’m already happy with Newark block storage.
    the 1 GB plan will make a nice little mail server + git hosting.

    btw any idea why Linode keep changing their naming scheme for example “Nanode 1GB” ?

  4. Author Photo

    Thank you Linode, finally in Singapore!

  5. Author Photo

    I notice that Atlanta is not on the list. Is Atlanta block storage not expected to happen at all or is it just the one last in line?

  6. Author Photo

    When you launch Block Storage in India.

  7. Author Photo

    Hey Linode,
    When this will be available in India?
    Waiting for it…

  8. Author Photo

    Is there a reason Atlanta is being left out? Is your Atlanta facility not up to par with the others?

  9. Author Photo

    We don’t currently have a data center in India, but we are always looking for ways to improve our offerings. This blog is the best place to find info on any new plans and offerings.

  10. Author Photo

    We’re focused on other data centers, so for now, we have no plans to bring Block Storage to Atlanta.

  11. Author Photo

    I notice that Tokyo1 is not on the list.The Tokyo1 is special.

  12. Author Photo

    Right now, Canonical Announces the New Minimal Ubuntu OS (Ubuntu 16.04 and Ubuntu 18.04) for Public Clouds.

    When Linode will release those cloud images.

  13. Author Photo

    Hi Gopal,

    While we don’t currently offer Minimal Ubuntu on our platform, it is something we are looking into. In the meantime, you can manually deploy it by converting their image to raw format and then using the dd tool in Finnix to copy the image onto your disk. This is similar to the steps listed in our “Custom Distribution” guide which can be found here: https://www.linode.com/docs/guides/install-a-custom-distribution-on-a-linode/

  14. Author Photo

    Although Vietnam is not on the list, Singapore is fine. Thanks Linode

  15. Author Photo

    Some of us *are* paying for larger plans than we actually need, in Atlanta, due to the need for the disk space. I feel we are now paying higher price and not getting the same service as in other data centers.

    I realize there might be technical reasons why a data center lags behind. It might be older, more expensive to upgrade, etc.

    I share my Linode with a few friends, and *have* gotten the complaint that the service is too expensive.

    Don’t get me wrong, I am a very happy Linode customer. But I feel that maybe you could do something to the plan prices in Atlanta when you’re not able to provide the extra services you can in other data centers?

  16. Author Photo

    Still waiting to be present in Vietnam

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