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Apache’s JMeter offers a robust and portable open source solution for load testing. JMeter can measure the performance of web applications and provide insights about the kinds of loads they can handle.
Locust is an open-source, scalable load testing tool that uses Python scripts and a distributed, event-based architecture. Locust can be configured to run distributed load testing across multiple instances, and tests can be run via the command line or Locust’s web-based UI. Use cases include website and service testing, CI/CD pipelines, and numerous other protocol testing scenarios.
Command-line tools are a terminal-like shell, separate from Microsoft’s PowerShell, with some shared commands and scripting capabilities. While the command line has built-in directives, PowerShell serves as a programming language for accessing APIs and performing communication, modification, and examination tasks.
fzf is an adaptable command-line fuzzy finder with an interactive interface. fzf is flexible and works seamlessly with many other command-line commands to give you a powerful interface for searching files, navigating processes, autocompleting paths, and more.
The Linux search tool grep has plenty to offer, but, if you are working with source code, there is a more efficient alternative. That alternative is ack, a faster tool dedicated specifically to searching source code.
One of the most commonly-used commands on Linux is the ping command, used most often to test network connections and troubleshoot connectivity issues. It comes by default on most Linux distributions, making it accessible.
Nmap is a popular, open source network scanning tool. It has a wide array of scanning options and capabilities, making it highly efficient and adaptable. Nmap helps system administers monitor a network’s host and port usage, and helps security auditors catch potential vulnerabilities. In this guide, learn how to get started using Nmap for your network.
The tcpdump tool provides a powerful command line option for network sniffing. With tcpdump, you can effectively capture and analyze network traffic, whether to diagnose network issues or to test network security.
The nslookup command is a useful tool for investigating domain name propagation issues. It allows users to obtain information regarding domain names and IP addresses from the Domain Name System (DNS) infrastructure. This guide introduces and explains how to use the nslookup command, and provides several examples.
Vim reigns as one of the most widely used command line text editors. It offers a high degree of customization, runs on a wide range of operating systems, and comes pre-installed on many Unix-based systems.
All Linux distributions are equipped with the cron utility, which allows users to schedule jobs to run at certain fixed times. Cron jobs can be scheduled at the user or root level, or by software applications. This guide explains how to view cron jobs on Linux and how to list cron jobs by user or schedule.
In web programming, developers often have to interact with online databases. Many of these services provide a Representational State Transfer (REST) API that allows authorized users to read and write data. Fortunately, the cURL application allows users to easily access REST APIs from the command line. This guide discusses how to use cURL to interrogate RESTful APIs. It also explains how curl, the command-line utility, uses RESTful verbs, and how to inspect headers and add authorization to requests.
You may sometimes find yourself wanting to quickly view text files from the command line. The most frequently used tool for doing so is the cat command. Short for “concatenate,” the command shows the contents of text files as output to the command line.
It can be frustrating to manage a Linux server solely from the terminal, so users are always searching for an easier and more intuitive option. One of the more promising applications in this area is Cockpit. Cockpit allows users to monitor and configure a server through a graphical user interface. This guide explains how to use Cockpit on Linux for server management and provides some background about the application.
Rclone is a command-line tool for syncing files to remote services. A GUI called Rclone Browser is also available. Rclone works with over 40 services like Dropbox, FTP, Google Drive, HTTP, OneDrive, Nextcloud, ownCloud, pCloud, WebDAV, and Linode.
Neovim is an open source fork of the ubiquitous Vim text editor. It supports the Lua programming language which opens up vast possibilities for configuration, scripting, and plugin development. The Neovim community has created numerous plugins pushing the boundaries of the text editor’s capabilities.
Vim is a minimalist text editor that is highly adaptable. Beyond configuration and scripting, you can extend Vim with a wide array of plugins developed and maintained by a large and active community.
The Linux kernel is modular in nature, which means it’s possible to add and remove modules as needed. This makes for a lightweight, secure, and lightweight kernel. Its flexibility enables you to add and remove the features you need to make an operating system fit your use case and preferences.
Glances is a Linux system monitoring dashboard that you can run from the command line or in your web browser. It aims to fit as much data as possible onto a single screen and dynamically adapts to the current screen size.
choose offers command-line text processing, like cut and awk, but with an emphasis on making the basics simple and intuitive. This Linux command is built on Rust, so it has fast performance. This guide shows you how to get started using the choose command on your Linux system.
cheat is a command-line tool that lets you view, create, and manage cheat sheets. This tool is ideal for Linux system administrators because you can access your cheat sheets directly from the command line. This minimizes your need to hunt down a refresher for a command you haven’t used in while. You can find what you need without leaving your terminal.
dog is a command-line DNS client used for looking up DNS records for domain names. It’s an alternative to the popular dig command. The dog command gives you a simpler interface, more readable results, and additional features like DNS over TLS.
sd is a command-line tool for finding and replacing text, similar to sed. But, unlike sed, sd focuses on substitution only, allowing it to use simpler and easier to read commands. sd also uses a common regex syntax, giving you more familiar, well-documented, and powerful search options.
The procs utility is a useful and informative alternative to the original Linux ps (process status) command. Like ps, procs displays information about the active processes running on the system, including their CPU and memory usage. However, procs enhances its output with additional columns, an intuitive color scheme, and other helpful features. This guide provides some background on procs, and explains how to install and use it.
Hard drive space on a system can fill up quickly, especially when new software is installed. System administrators frequently have to review disk space utilization and see what files or directories are using up the most storage. This can be accomplished using the Linux du command, but many users find it cumbersome and awkward to use. The open-source dust program offers a new way of looking at disk space usage more intuitively and straightforwardly. This guide explains how to install and use the dust utility on Linux and how it functions as a du replacement.
Many Linux users run certain commands regularly. Newcomers might resort to retyping the command or using the up and down keys to scroll through previous commands. More experienced users typically search their terminal history using the built-in Control-r command. The free and open-source McFly application is designed as an alternative to these traditional methods. McFly is a bash search history utility that uses AI techniques to display the most relevant commands. This guide provides a brief introduction to the McFly application and its methodology. It also explains how to install McFly and how to use the mcfly command to search through the terminal history.
Duf is a command-line tool for viewing your system’s disk usage and free space. It combines into one place the information you might otherwise get from the du and df commands and presents that information in a clean and modern interface. In this guide, you learn more about duf, how it compares to the du and df commands, and how to install it on your Linux system.
Linux users typically rely upon the built-in find command to locate files and directories on their system. It provides a large number of powerful and useful options, but its default behavior often fails to provide intuitive results. The free open-source fd utility provides a user-friendly alternative to the find command. It is more efficient and easier to use, with default behavior that is better suited for the majority of searches. This guide compares the find and fd commands and explains how to use and install the fd command on Linux systems.
The ripgrep utility is a useful alternative to the traditional grep command on Linux. Both ripgrep and grep are used to search files for specific patterns of text. However, ripgrep is much faster and uses intelligent defaults which are optimal for most users. This guide provides some background on ripgrep, including a comparison with other search tools. It also explains how to install and use ripgrep, and provides some examples of typical searches.
The Silver Searcher is a command-line tool for searching code. It is similar to the well-known ack command, but improves on performance and adds support for .*ignore files. In this guide, you learn more about Silver Searcher and how to install and get started using it on your Linux system.
jq is a free open source JSON processor that is flexible and straightforward to use. It allows users to display a JSON file using standard formatting, or to retrieve certain records or attribute-value pairs from it. It features a powerful set of filters and functions that can manipulate, analyze and transform JSON data. Because this tool is advanced, it is important to become familiar with how JQ works before implementing it. This JQ tutorial introduces the jq application, explains how to install and use it, and shows JQ examples in order to understand its functionality. Continue reading to learn all about how to use jg!
The tldr pages project seeks to improve and simplify the well-known man pages. tldr pages provide information on a wide range of Linux commands and include several options to interact with the information. Compared to man pages, each tldr page aims to be more intuitive and readable. When learning new Linux commands, tldr pages are an excellent resource.
The gping tool takes the functionality of the ping tool and displays its data on a graph. With gping you can track the response time for hosts, and compare the data side by side. This guide shows you how to install gping and get started using it on your Linux system.
hyperfine is a Linux tool used to benchmark command-line commands. It includes features to test the performance of individual commands, side by side. hyperfine stands out from similar tools by giving you fine-tuned control over the benchmarking process and advanced features for more effective testing.
Bottom is a terminal-based graphical dashboard for system monitoring. It comes with a range of customization options and display features that set it apart from other system monitoring dashboards.
Gtop is a system monitoring dashboard for your terminal, with a rich graphical display. In this guide, you learn more about gtop and how it compares to the Linux utilities, top and htop. This guide also shows you how to install and get started using gtop on your Linux system.
HTTPie is a command-line HTTP client built for modern web APIs. It provides intuitive commands and a user-friendly interface. In this guide, you learn about HTTPie’s features and how it compares to cURL. You also learn how to install and start using HTTPie on your Linux system.
The broot command provides a modern approach to generating directory trees on the Linux command line. It renders the tree in a succinct and intuitive layout that helps you navigate around your computer’s directories. Additionally, broot offers advanced features for managing and retrieving details about your files and directories. This guide shows you how to install broot on your Linux system and get started using it.
Curlie is a frontend to the ubiquitous command-line HTTP client cURL. With curlie, you get all of the features and versatility of cURL with a modern and user-friendly interface similar to the HTTP client, HTTPie. In this guide, you learn about the benefits of curlie and how to install and start using it on a Linux system.
Streamlink allows you to watch your favorite Twitch streams using the most popular media players on Linux and macOS. The Streamlink Twitch GUI project gives you a straightforward GUI on top of the StreamLink CLI with a focus on Twitch streams only. You can also watch multiple streams at once and manage your favorite Twitch streamers in a single, clean UI. This guide shows you how to install and use the Streamlink GUI on macOS and Linux (Debian/Ubuntu).
The bat command is a clone of the ubiquitous cat command. It modernizes cat with a more readable design and features like syntax highlighting and a Git integration. This guide details how bat compares with its predecessor and shows you how to install and start using it on your Linux system.
Streamlink lets you watch any stream inside your favorite media players such as VLC, MPlayer, and QuickTime. You can watch YouTube, Twitch, or DailyMotion video streams on your desktop instead of in your browser. Aside from a cleaner experience, streaming via any desktop player has far less impact on your PC’s resources leading to smoother playback.
The Linux chroot command enables you to run applications or shells within a separate, secure environment. Because a chroot environment is walled off from the rest of your system, it can be an ideal space for testing. This guide discusses the primary use cases for chroot and shows you how to create your own chroot environment.
You may have heard of the text editor Vi, and probably also its relative Vim. But what is Vi, and why do many users on Unix systems continue to use it? Keep reading to learn more about Vi and what sets this text editor apart. You can also find some help getting started using Vi.
FFMpeg is a free and open-source utility that is used for video and audio processing. It assists with the editing, reformatting, and conversion of audio, video, and multimedia files. FFmpeg contains a suite of libraries and programs that can be embedded into other media applications or function as a stand-alone command-line utility. This guide provides a brief introduction to FFmpeg. It also explains how to install FFmpeg and how to use FFmpeg to edit media files.
The cron utility is a job-scheduling tool found on all Linux and Unix operating systems, as well as macOS. Although cron is typically used to schedule jobs at fixed times, dates, and intervals, it can also launch jobs at system boot time. This guide explains how to use the cron utility and the crontab file to run a job or script when the system boots.
zoxide is a fast and smart alternative to the cd command. Built on Rust, zoxide outperforms many similar commands, and its directory ranking algorithm helps you navigate quick.
Supervisor is a process control system based on the client/server model. It can be used to simplify process management by providing a centralized location for process control. It’s most often deployed to control services that don’t have initialization, auto-start, or management scripts. Remote process control is also supported via Remote Procedure Calls, or RPC.
Emacs is an endlessly versatile text editor. Every aspect can be customized, and new features can be added both globally and within specific modes.
split is a Unix command-line utility similar to grep or tail. It allows you to divide a larger file into several smaller files.
autojump is a command line utility similar to cd. It helps speeds up file navigation by maintaining a history of directories that have been previously navigated by the user. If there are directories with the same name, autojump maintains a weighted history to favor the most frequently accessed directory.
If you are a system administrator or a software developer, a robust text editor is among the tools you use on a daily basis. It’s likely that you’ve used the vi or vim editors that have served the Unix and Linux communities for decades.
Siege is an HTTP load testing and benchmarking utility that can be used to measure the performance of a web server when under duress. It evaluates the amount of data transferred, response time of the server, transaction rate, throughput, concurrency, and times the program returned okay. Siege offers three modes of operation: Regression, internet simulation, and brute force.
GNU nano is a popular command-line text editor that is included in most Linux distributions. The interface is comparable to GUI-based text editors, which makes nano a popular choice for those who find vi or emacs commands non-intuitive. This guide shows you how to use Nano Text Editor Commands in Linux.
killall is a tool for terminating running processes on your system based on name. In contrast, kill terminates processes based on Process ID number (PID). kill and killall can also send specific system signals to processes.
The head command is a core Linux utility used to view the very beginning of a text file. Despite its narrow functionality, head is useful in many systems administration and scripting tasks. For similar functionality that address the end of a file, use the tail utility instead.
The date command displays the current date and time. It can also be used to display or calculate a date in a format you specify. The super-user (root) can use it to set the system clock.
The traditional Unix utility sed makes it possible to manipulate strings and streams of text from the command line without using a text editing application. sed is useful in a number of different contexts, including finding and replacing strings of text in a large number of files, manipulating text for Stack Scripts and other kinds of scripts, as well as a component in basic shell scripting.
The chmod command allows users to change read and write permissions in Unix systems. This guide covers how to use chmod to view and modify these permission on files and directories.
Grep is a command-line utility that can search and filter text using a common regular expression syntax. It is so ubiquitous that the verb “to grep” has emerged as a synonym for “to search”. The grep command is a useful tool for finding all occurrences of a search term in a selection of files or the output of another command. It can also come in handy when filtering a log file or stream and when used as part of a script or chain of commands.
Unison is a file synchronization tool that allows users to maintain two instances of a given file set on two systems up to date and identical. The tool is designed for maximum usability in a variety of contexts and uses protocols like SSH to securely transfer data between folders. Furthermore, the system is designed to be fault tolerant in the case of interruptions and modifications to both “source” and “remote,” and aims to always leave both instances of a file or directory tree in a known working state. Unison can be deployed to synchronize files between systems running disparate operating systems, to backup systems, or as part of a content deployment system, among a plethora of other use cases.
tar and gzip provide a standard interface for creating archives and compressing files on Linux systems. Together, these utilities take a large number of files, save them together in an archive (i.e. as a single file), and compress the archive to save space. However, tar and gzip provide a multitude of features and options that can lead to hard-to-read commands and make even the simplest operations confusing.
As the system administrator for your Linode, you may want to give your users the ability to securely upload files to your server. The most common way to do this is to allow file transfers via Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), which uses SSH to provide encryption. This requires that you give your users SSH logins. However, by default SSH users are able to view your Linode’s entire filesystem, which may not be desirable.
Cron is a classic utility found on Linux and UNIX systems for running tasks at pre-determined times or intervals. These tasks are referred to as Cron tasks or Cron jobs. Use Cron to schedule automated updates, generate reports, check for available disk space and notify if the space is below a certain amount.
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