API 2017-12-11


  • Added POST account/payments/paypal
    • Stages a PayPal payment and returns the payment_id
  • Added POST account/payments/paypal/execute
    • Execute a PayPal payment that has been authorized in PayPal
    • This is required for Linode to capture funds and credit your account
  • Added POST /domains/$id/clone
    • New endpoint can be reached at POST domains/:domain_id/clone
    • Requires a new domain be provided in the post body


  • Unify Distributions and Images
    • Removes Distribution.architecture
    • Renames Distribution.updated to last_used (Datetime)
    • Renames Distribution.disk_minimum to min_deploy_size (Integer)
    • Adds Distribution.filesystem (String)
    • Adds Distribution.created (Datetime)
    • Adds Distribution.description (String)
    • Adds Distribution.status (String)
    • Adds Distribution.type (String)
    • Adds Distribution.is_public (Boolean)
    • Adds Distribution.creator (String)
    • Adds Image.deprecated (Boolean)
  • Renamed “distribution” to “image”
    • POST /linode/instances takes “image” instead of “distribution”
    • POST /linode/instances/:id/disks takes “image” instead of “distribution”
    • POST /linode/instances/:id/rebuild takes “image” instead of “distribution”
    • Linode object returns “image” instead of “distribution”
    • StackScript object returns “images” instead of “distributions”
  • Change Image IDs to Slugs
    • slugs match the format private/:image_id
  • Moved volumes to top level
    • Changed all references from /linode/volumes to /volumes


  • Ensure POST domain/records accepts and honors ttl_sec
  • Fixed Linode create from a StackScript using UDFs