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How to Implement Jenkins CI/CD on Linode to Any Hyperscaler
With Jenkins, you can implement a robust continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) setup for automating application builds, tests, and deployments. Linode’s Jenkins CI/CD reference architecture ensures a scalable setup capable of deploying applications to Linode or any of many other hosting providers.
Get started by taking a look at the overview and diagrams for the architecture in our Jenkins CI/CD on Linode to Any Hyperscaler.
The present tutorial walks you through a complete implementation of our Jenkins CI/CD architecture. Throughout, follow along to provision the base setup and see extensive examples to help you get started using the architecture for your particular needs.
Before You Begin
Create a Linode account, if you don’t have one. See the Getting Started with Linode documentation.
Create a new Compute Instance, which acts as the primary Jenkins server in this tutorial. See the Creating a Compute Instance guide.
Follow our Setting Up and Securing a Compute Instance guide to update your system. You may also wish to set the timezone, configure your hostname, create a limited user account, and harden SSH access.
. If you’re not familiar with the sudo
command, see the Users and Groups guide.What Is Jenkins?
Jenkins is an open-source tool for automating deployments. Jenkins utilizes build pipelines to allow you to define build, test, and deployment processes. Throughout, you have access to shell commands, a dynamic user interface, and an array of plugins.
All this makes Jenkins an exceptional tool for automating CI/CD workflows. Jenkins handles continuous integration through features like Git repository monitoring, where pipelines can be triggered by Git commits. Jenkins’ continuous delivery is supported by its ability to pull repositories and build, test and deploy from them.
Further plugins mean that you can adapt Jenkins to your needs — whether using a particular test suite, storing artifacts, or deploying to cloud providers.
Learn more about CI/CD principles in our guide Introduction to Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment.
You can also learn more particulars about automating builds with Jenkins through our guide How to Automate Builds with Jenkins on Ubuntu 22.04.
How to Provision Jenkins for CI/CD
To start using Jenkins for CI/CD, you need at least a Jenkins server. The Jenkins server runs a dashboard from which you can manage and monitor your instance, and the server also orchestrates your Jenkins pipelines.
Jenkins additionally needs build agents to actually implement the steps given in its pipelines. For moderate needs, Jenkins can actually run one or more agents alongside the server, on the same machine. However, this tutorial covers a more robust implementation, with a suite of machines deployed specifically for running Jenkins build agents.
Follow along with this section of the tutorial to get both the Jenkins server and Jenkins build agents running. See how to install and start running the server on your current machine, and how to use Terraform to deploy your build agents automatically.
Install the Jenkins Server
You need to start by installing Jenkins on a central server. This central Jenkins server then gives you access to the Jenkins dashboard, where you can manage everything from build agents to pipelines to plugins.
Log into the Compute Instance you created in the Before You Begin section.
Install Java 11 on this instance. You can do so through the OpenJDK package. For this tutorial, you just need the Java runtime (JRE), not the development kit.
On Debian and Ubuntu:
sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre
On CentOS and Fedora:
sudo dnf install java-11-openjdk
Install Jenkins. First, you need to add the Jenkins repository to your system’s package manager. Then, after updating the package manager, you can install Jenkins directly from there.
On Debian and Ubuntu:
wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add - sudo sh -c 'echo deb binary/ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list' sudo apt update sudo apt install jenkins
On CentOS and Fedora:
sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo sudo rpm --import sudo dnf upgrade sudo dnf install jenkins sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Start the Jenkins service if it is not already started, and enable the service for system startup.
sudo systemctl start jenkins sudo systemctl enable jenkins
In a web browser, navigate to port
on your system’s public IP address. You may first need to open the port in your system’s firewall, which you can learn how to do from our guide on securing a Linode Compute instance.Follow the installation steps you are presented with. Select to Install suggested plugins, and complete the form to create an initial administrator user.
At this point, you have a Jenkins server up and running and ready to start using. In fact, the Jenkins server includes a built-in build agent, which you could configure to use for building, testing, and deploying.
Provision Linode Object Storage
Part of the architecture covered in this tutorial has logs and build artifacts stored on Linode Object Storage. Object Storage provides an efficient and accessible way to backup artifacts from you CI/CD pipelines.
To start, you need to have a Linode Object Storage bucket prepared to store your logs and artifacts. Our Object Storage - Get Started guide to do so.
To follow along with the rest of the guide, perform these steps:
Provision a Linode Object Storage bucket. When creating the bucket, you need to choose a cluster that it belongs to (under the Region menu). Take note of the cluster ID for the cluster you choose, which is displayed next to your Region menu selection. For example, if you chose the Atlanta region, your cluster ID is
.The name of the bucket needs to be unique for the cluster it is created in, not only among the buckets on your account, but also among buckets from all other Object Storage users on other accounts.
Generate an Object Storage access key. The key should have Limited Access permissions. It should have read and write access to the bucket that you created. You need to save both the access key and secret access key for use later.
Create Jenkins Build Agents
While your Jenkins server is capable of running build pipelines, your setup becomes more scalable when you leverage separate build agents. With the architecture covered in this tutorial, your central Jenkins server is dedicated to managing your CI/CD configurations. Pipeline tasks are then handled by dedicated build agents.
Dedicated agents give you a more scalable setup as well as more adaptability for a wider range of build and deployment needs.
Follow along here to deploy a set of three build agents for the Jenkins server setup above. These steps use Terraform to deploy the agent instances, making it relatively easy and convenient to horizontally scale your agents.
Configure Agents within Jenkins
To start, you need to configure your Jenkins server to enable the agents and facilitate their connections to the server.
Open port
on the system running your Jenkins server. Refer to the link above for securing compute instances to see how to open ports on your system.Within Jenkins, enable TCP port usage for agents. To do so, open the Jenkins web interface, and navigate to Manage Jenkins > Configure Global Security. Under Agents, locate the TCP port for inbound agents setting, and set it to Fixed. Give
as the port.Create each of the agents from within the Jenkins dashboard. For each, navigate to Manage Jenkins > Manage Nodes and Clouds. Select the New Node button, and complete the agent configurations with the settings here.
This tutorial starts you off with three agents. So to follow along be sure to create three agents using this configuration.
Node name:
, and thendocker-node-agent-3
Type: Permanent
Number of executors: 1
Remote root directory:
Usage: Use this node as much as possible
Launch method: Launch agent by connecting it to the controller
Availability: Keep this agent online as much as possible
naming can later help to distinguish these agents as ones with Docker and Node.js installed. The label field adds a tag to each agent, providing a convenient way to designate specific sets of agent for executing pipelines.Disable the built-in agent node. Navigate to Manage Jenkins > Nodes > Built-In Node. Choose Configure, and set the Number of executors to
Provision Agent Instances
Now you have what you need to support three build agents. This tutorial deploys a Linode Compute instance for each of these build agents, using Terraform to automate the process. This also makes it relatively easy to horizontally scale the number of agents as needed later.
Install Terraform. Follow the relevant section of our Use Terraform to Provision Linode Environments guide to do so.
Download our Terraform package for deploying Jenkins build agents:
This includes scripts for deploying a set of Linode Compute instances, each running Ubuntu, Docker, Node.js, and a Jenkins agent service.
Extract the package’s contents, and change into the resulting directory. You may first need to install the unzip utility, which you can generally do through your system’s package manager.
unzip cd jenkins-agents-terraform/
Open the
file, and customize the variables there to your setup. Specifically, you need to provide:A Linode personal access token, which you can learn about in our guide Linode API - Get Started
A root password to be used for the deployed instances
One or more SSH public keys for SSH access into the instances
A number of instances to deploy; this tutorial uses three instances
The URL for your Jenkins server, including the protocol and port, as in:
A list of secrets corresponding to each of your Jenkins agents; these are given after you create each agent within the Jenkins web interface
The access and secret keys for your Linode Object Storage instance
The cluster ID for your Linode Object Storage instance
The ID of the region that the Jenkins agent Compute Instances should be created in. Note that these are not necessarily the same as an Object Storage cluster ID. For example, the region ID for Atlanta is
, while the ID for the Object Storage cluster in Atlanta isus-southeast-1
. There are several ways to find out what the ID of a region is:Run the
regions list
command of the Linode CLI:linode-cli regions list
Visit the Regions List API endpoint:
The region IDs are displayed under the Region menu of the Create Linode form:
From within the directory with the
file, run the following command to initialize the Terraform project and start deploying the instances.terraform init terraform apply
This runs the
script, which provisions the agents. The script additionally delivers and executes a shell script on each instance, which you can see as scripts/
. That script does most of the set-up work, specifically the following:
Updates and secures the system, including enabling the firewall
Installs Docker, Node.js, rclone, and kubectl
Installs Java 11, and sets up the Jenkins user
Creates a script for downloading and running the Jenkins agent from the Jenkins server
Creates and starts up a service to run the Jenkins agent
Provision a Kubernetes Cluster on a Hyperscaler
The architecture covered here aims to use Jenkins to build an application and deploy it to a hyperscaler. To follow through with the examples provided here, you should thus have a target cloud you want your application deployed to.
Because this tutorial builds its example application into a Docker image, it makes sense to deploy the application to a Kubernetes cluster. This is what the example pipeline and Jenkins configuration in the rest of this tutorial do.
You can follow along with the tutorial by deploying a Linode Kubernetes Engine (LKE) cluster. Learn how in our Linode Kubernetes Engine - Get Started.
However, the “Deploy” step in the pipeline elaborated below uses kubectl. This means that the setup can readily be adapted to deployments for almost any cloud Kubernetes provider.
And in fact you can adapt the commands in the “Deploy” portion of the pipeline for deployments to whatever cloud platform you need. Whatever you would normally use to script the deployment you can implement here. Or you could leverage one of the plugins you can find within the Jenkins dashboard, which you can see examples of further on.
Prepare a Docker Registry
Because this tutorial uses Kubernetes for its deployment, you need to have a Docker registry. This allows you to push built Docker images from the Jenkins agents and pull them onto the Kubernetes cluster.
The easiest solution here is Docker Hub, where you can add images after registering an account. Learn more, with a full-functioning example, in our guide Create and Deploy a Docker Container Image to a Kubernetes Cluster.
You can also self-host a registry solution. One such solution is Harbor, and you can deploy your own Harbor server readily through the Linode Marketplace. See our guide Deploy Harbor through the Linode Marketplace to see how.
Whatever solution you choose, you need later to provide the registry’s path to the Jenkins pipeline.
For Docker Hub, the path is your Docker Hub username; for instance,
For self-hosted solutions like Harbor, the path is the URL (minus the protocol); for Harbor, this might look like
Secure the Jenkins Instances
Each Jenkins instance, from the server to the agents, uses a system firewall. However, you can further safeguard and manage traffic on these instances by adding Linode Cloud Firewalls for each.
To get started, see our guide Create a Cloud Firewall. Then follow our Manage Firewall Rules to add the individual rules you need.
The following is a basic example setup that you can expand on.
Create a
. Select the Jenkins server instance as the Linode for this firewall, and give the firewall the following rules.accept-inbound-SSH
: Use the SSH rule presetaccept-inbound-web-interface
: Use the TCP protocol, with a custom port of8080
, and sources from All IPv4, All IPv6 addressesaccept-inbound-agents
: Use the TCP protocol, with a custom port of8081
, and sources from All IPv4, All IPv6 addressesSet the Default inbound policy to Drop
Set the Default outbound policy to Accept
Create a
. Select each of the Jenkins agent instances as the Linode options for this firewall, and give the firewall the following rules.accept-inbound-SSH
: Use the SSH rule presetSet the Default inbound policy to Drop
Set the Default outbound policy to Accept
How to Use Jenkins CI/CD
All of the above sets you up with Jenkins and resources for it to deploy and store artifacts to. But how you go about setting up a Jenkins pipeline and deploying a project with it varies widely from project to project.
This section aims to give you a thorough example, with a basic functioning application using Node.js and Docker. Though your setup may not be the same, the example covers a wide ground to help you more readily learn and build from it.
Set Up a Project
To demonstrate Jenkins’s deployment pipeline, you should set up a project to build and deploy. This tutorial includes a basic application, along with a Docker definition, to test your Jenkins setup with.
Download the package with the example application:
This example project includes the following components:
A Node.js application for a simple RESTful service
A Dockerfile to later create a Docker image
A Jenkinsfile defining the project’s pipeline
A Kubernetes deployment file for deploying the application to a cluster
Go ahead now and extract the package and change into the resulting directory.
cd jenkins-example-app/
The steps in this tutorial do not require you to run the application locally. But if you want to try it out before going forward, you can install Docker on your workstation and run the following commands. You can find the results on your system’s port 3000
docker build -t example-app-image .
docker run -p 3000:3000 example-app-image
What is the Jenkinsfile
Jenkins provides two main ways of configuring pipelines.
Within the Jenkins interface, whenever you add the pipeline item further on in this tutorial
Within a
on a remote repository
For convenience, this tutorial opts to use a Jenkinsfile
included within the project repository. This file comes with a full pipeline script fit for the needs of this tutorial. You can review the script yourself, but, in summary, it provides the five stages outlined here.
Build, where the application’s Docker images is built and the Node.js dependencies installed for code analysis
Test, where the Docker image is run and a shell script implements two simple test cases
Code Analysis, where the ESLint tool runs a standard JavaScript static code analysis
Package, where artifacts are prepared and stored on Linode Object Storage
Deploy, where a kubectl command deploys the built Docker image to the Kubernetes cluster
The example pipeline uses ESLint for a simple JavaScript code analysis, but there are more options to choose from depending on your codebase and needs. You can learn more about code analysis tools in our guide What is Static Code Analysis?.
Create a Remote Repository
Jenkins shines when connected to a project on a version control repository. One of Jenkins more powerful features is its ability to watch for changes in a repository and automatically run the relevant pipeline. So for this tutorial you need to check the example application into a Git repository, and you can follow along here to do that.
Create a Git repository on a remote repository service. This tutorial uses GitHub.
Follow the GitHub documentation for creating a repository, and name the new repository
.Note It is possible to implement this reference architecture with another service like GitLab by changing some of the steps in this tutorial. This is outside of the scope of this tutorial.Initialize a Git project within the downloaded
directory. This tutorial assumes that Git is installed, configured, and authenticated with your remote repository service (e.g. GitHub) on your workstation.Note Personal access tokens can be used to authenticate the Git command line: GitHub documentationRun the following commands in your local
directory. ReplaceGIT_USERNAME
with your GitHub username. ReplaceGIT_TOKEN
with your token for that repository. ReplaceREMOTE_REPO_URL
with the remote repository’s URL.git init git add -A git commit -m "Initial commit." git branch -M main git remote add origin git push -u origin main
Your example repository has been set up on GitHub. The next sections show how to access it from within Jenkins.
Customize the Jenkinsfile
Before proceeding, you need to specify a few variables in the Jenkinsfile
of the jenkins-example-app
repo. These variables are assigned within the environment
block near the top of the Jenkinsfile
Open the
in your localjenkins-example-app
repository in a text editor. Modify these lines:DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME
: Enter your username with your Docker registry service (e.g. your DockerHub account).DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL
: Enter the URL of your Docker registry service. If using DockerHub, leave this as a blank string.LINODE_S3_BUCKET
: Enter the name of the Object Storage bucket you created for your Jenkins artifacts.SLACK_CHANNEL
: Enter an existing Slack channel to which you want Jenkins to send pipeline progress messages.The Slack implementation is optional, and if you are not planning to implement Slack messaging you can remove the
lines within theJenkinsfile
. You can also update these lines to use another messaging service, or use simpleecho
commands to post output to the Jenkins log. For example, thisslackSend
line can be updated to useecho
as follows:Before:
- File: Jenkinsfile
slackSend(channel: "${SLACK_CHANNEL}", message: 'Build complete!')
- File: Jenkinsfile
echo 'Build complete!'
Save the
, commit the changes, and push the changes to your remote repository:git add . git commit -m "Update variables" git push -u origin main
Create a Repository Deploy Key
The Jenkins server is configured in the next sections to access your remote jenkins-example-app
repository. To access the repository, the server is configured to connect via SSH to GitHub.
To avoid using your personal SSH keys for your GitHub account, a deploy key can be set up that is specific to the jenkins-example-app
Follow the GitHub documentation to generate and set up a new deploy key on your repository. This new key does not need write access to the repository. Keep the new public and private keys recorded to use in the Jenkins server configuration.
Configure the Jenkins Server
The next sections show how to set up a new pipeline in Jenkins and how to connect the Jenkins server to your GitHub repository. Some Jenkins plugins are used in the pipeline, and the tutorial shows how to install these.
Install Git on the Jenkins Server
These steps are optional, and you may not need to follow them if Git is already installed:
Git may not be installed by default on your Jenkins server. You can check if it is installed by running this command from an SSH session:
which git
This outputs the filepath of the git
binary on your system if it is installed. If it is not installed, use your package manager to install the git
The Git installation that Jenkins uses is configured in Manage Jenkins > Global Tool Configuration > Git installations.
Git Host Key Verification in Jenkins
Jenkins may generate errors when it attempts to connect to GitHub if the GitHub host keys are not trusted by the server. To ensure that the server can connect to GitHub:
Navigate to Manage Jenkins > Configure Global Security > Git Host Key Verification Configuration.
Choose the Manually provided keys option for the Host Key Verification Strategy field.
In the Approved Host Keys text box, paste in the SSH key fingerprints for GitHub. These are listed in the GitHub’s SSH key fingerprints documentation on GitHub. Copy and paste the lines starting with
from that documentation.Save the changes to the form.
Add the Deploy Key as a Jenkins Credential
The Jenkins server can store credentials that may be used to connect to different services in a pipeline. These can take the form of a single string of text, a username and password combination, an SSH private key, and other options.
The pipeline set up in the next section needs your deploy key to access the GitHub repository. Follow these steps to add that key as a credential in Jenkins:
Navigate to Manage Jenkins > Manage Credentials.
Under Stores scoped to Jenkins, click on System.
Under System, click Global credentials (unrestricted).
Click the Add credentials button.
Fill out the New credentials form with these options:
Kind: SSH Username with private key
Private Key: Choose Enter Directly, and then paste the private deploy key into the text field that appears.
Click Create to save the deploy key credential.
Add the Jenkins Pipeline
Within the Jenkins interface, select the New Item option. Jenkins presents a form, where you can enter a name for the project and should select the Pipeline option. This tutorial names the project
.This directs you to the project configuration form. Complete this form as follows, leaving any unmentioned options at their default values.
- Under the General section, select GitHub project. In the resulting Project url field, enter your remote repository’s URL, which is of the form
Note Note that there is no.git
suffix at the end of this URL.Under the Build Triggers section, select the GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling option. This is used to enable automatic Jenkins builds when new commits are pushed to the remote repo.
Under Pipeline > Definition, select Pipeline script from SCM. Complete the resulting fields as follows:
Select the Git option for SCM.
For Repository URL, enter the SSH URL for your repository, which looks like
for Branches to build.As the Repository browser, choose
for GitHub andgitlab
for GitLab.For the Repository browser > URL field, enter the remote repository directory URL, which is of the form
Note Note that there is no.git
suffix at the end of this URL.- Enter
for the Script path.
- Under the General section, select GitHub project. In the resulting Project url field, enter your remote repository’s URL, which is of the form
The pipeline is now configured in Jenkins, but it relies on some plugins that aren’t installed by default. The next section shows how to install those plugins.
Add Jenkins Plugins
Jenkins has a host of available plugins that can support a wide range of pipeline tasks. All of these plugins can be added to your Jenkins instance from Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins > Available Plugins.
The example pipeline used in this tutorial leverages three such plugins, which you can add using the steps here. These steps also include credential configuration for the plugins.
Install the Kubernetes CLI plugin by searching for it on the Available Plugins page. Then complete the following steps to configure the plugin:
Within the Jenkins interface, navigate to Manage Jenkins > Manage Credentials > System > Global credentials. Select the Add Credentials button.
Complete the resulting form as described here.
For Kind, select Secret file
For File, use the file browser to select a downloaded copy of your kubeconfig file
For ID, enter
. Part of theJenkinsfile
assumes a credential with this ID exists.
Install the Warnings Next Generation plugin by searching for it on the Available Plugins page.
This plugin does not require any additional set up for this tutorial. The pipeline leverages this plugin with its
command, which tells the plugin to look for theeslint.xml
file. Warnings Next Generation parses the CheckStyle file output from ESLint and presents the results within a CheckStyle Warnings option on the project page.Install the Slack Notifications plugin by searching for it on the Available Plugins page. Then complete the following steps to configure the plugin.
Navigate to the Slack API page, and select the Create App button. Sign into Slack, select your workspace, and choose to create an application from scratch. Finally, name your application.
This takes you to a page for the Slack application. Select OAuth & Permissions from the left menu, and under the Bot Token Scopes section of the next page select Add an OAuth Scope. Choose the chat:write option and then the chat:write.public option. These allow your Slack application to send messages.
From the left menu, select Install App, and then use the Install to Workspace button to deploy the Slack application.
You should be shown an OAuth token, which you need to enter into Jenkins in the next step. You can access this token again by visiting the Slack application’s Install App page again.
Within the Jenkins interface, navigate to Manage Jenkins > Manage Credentials > System > Global credentials. Select the Add Credentials button. Complete the resulting form as described here.
For Kind, select Secret text
For Secret, paste or enter the Slack application token from above
For ID, enter
Navigate to Manage Jenkins > Configure System, and find the Slack section. Complete the form in this section as follows.
For Workspace, enter the workspace name portion of your Slack URL
For Credential, select the
credential created above
Add Docker Registry Credentials
The pipeline pushes a container image to your Docker registry, so credentials for the registry need to be added to Jenkins. No new plugins are needed for this.
Within the Jenkins interface, navigate to Manage Jenkins > Manage Credentials > System > Global credentials. Select the Add Credentials button. Complete the resulting form as described here.
For Kind, select Username with password
Enter your registry username and password in the relevant fields
For ID, enter
. Part of theJenkinsfile
assumes a credential with this ID exists.
Click Create to save the registry login information.
Manually Run the Pipeline
Everything is now in place to run the Jenkins CI/CD pipeline on the example project. You can do this manually within Jenkins by navigating to the project’s page and selecting the Build Now option.
You can follow along with the build’s progress from the project’s page in Jenkins. Selecting the entry for the build itself, you can also choose the Console Output option to see the pipeline in detail.
Once deployment has finished, you can access the CheckStyle Warnings option from the project’s page to see the results of the static code analysis.
Navigating to your Slack workspace, you should see messages from the Jenkins bot in the appropriate channel. The example pipeline has Jenkins send messages to the #jenkins-cicd-testing
channel, giving the status as each stage in the pipeline completes.
View the Application in a Browser
Finally, to see the deployed example application in action, you can forward the port on the Kubernetes cluster to your workstation.
on your workstation if you don’t have it already: Install kubectl.Enter following command from your Jenkins server to make the application’s service available on port
. Update the path to your downloaded Kubernetes cluster’s config on the first line:export KUBECONFIG=/path/to/your/downloaded/jenkins-guide-kubeconfig.yaml kubectl port-forward service/example-app-service 8080:3000 --address=''
Navigate to that port on
on your workstation, in a browser or at the command line:curl http://localhost:8080
{"message":"Hello, World!"}
Navigating to
should return:{"message":"Hello, Jenkins User!"}
Automatically Run the Pipeline with Webhooks
Instead of running the pipeline manually, a build can be triggered by making a Git push to the main
branch on the example project’s repository. Other triggers, like new release tags, can also be configured. These are triggered by using Webhooks.
Some additional setup needs to be completed to configure these automatic builds:
A GitHub personal access token that can manage webhooks settings on your repository is required. Set up a new token for this purpose:
Create a new classic token with the admin:org_hook scope. No other scopes are needed for this token. Follow the GitHub documentation for steps to create a token.
Add the token as a Jenkins credential. Navigate to Manage Jenkins > Manage Credentials > System > Global credentials, and click the Add Credentials button. Complete the form with these options:
Kind: Secret text
Secret: The new GitHub access token you created in the previous step.
A webhook uses a secret password to authenticate. Set up this webhook secret:
Generate a new long, random, unique, complex password (for example, with a password manager app).
Add the webhook secret as a Jenkins credential. Navigate to Manage Jenkins > Manage Credentials > System > Global credentials, and click the Add Credentials button. Complete the form with these options:
Kind: Secret text
Secret: The new webhook secret you generated in the previous step.
Configure the webhook in Jenkins:
Navigate to Manage Jenkins > Configure System > GitHub.
Click the Add GitHub Server > GitHub Server menu option.
For the Credentials field that appears, select the
credential.Click the Advanced menu in the GitHub section to expand it. For the Shared secret field, select the
credential.Click the Save button to save the changes.
Configure the webhook in GitHub. Follow the Setting up a webhook GitHub documentation for your
repository. Enter these options when creating the webhook, then click Add webhook* to finish:Payload URL:
. This may look likehttp://<JENKINS_SERVER_IP>:8080/github-webhook/
.Content type:
Secret: The webhook secret you generated in a previous step.
Automatic builds should now be configured. To test this, create a new commit on your local jenkins-example-app
repository and push it to GitHub:
Navigate to your local
repository on your workstation.Run this command to create an empty test file:
touch test.txt
Commit the new test file and push it to GitHub:
git add . git commit -m "Empty test file" git push -u origin main
A new build should automatically start within a few moments in the pipeline dashboard in Jenkins. If it does not start, try inspecting the recent webhook deliveries in the GitHub dashboard: Testing webhooks. If the webhook failed, it may display a relevant error code to troubleshoot with.
This tutorial provided a full implementation of the Jenkins CI/CD reference architecture.
Numerous features are likely to vary for your particular setup. For example, your application may employ a static-site generator and deploy the built static site to Linode Object Storage. Or, you may be using a language like Java and want a different code analysis tool, like SonarQube.
This tutorial gives you a set of implementation examples and tools that are sure to get you well on your way. Adapt the Terraform script and example pipeline, find the right Jenkins plugins, and tailor the rest of your configuration to your application.
This page was originally published on