See the API's various operations for details on their request parameters and response data.
Operation | Method | Endpoint |
Account | ||
Get your account | GET | /{apiVersion}/account |
Update your account | PUT | /{apiVersion}/account |
List agreements | GET | /{apiVersion}/account/agreements |
Acknowledge agreements | POST | /{apiVersion}/account/agreements |
List available services | GET | /{apiVersion}/account/availability |
Get a region's service availability | GET | /{apiVersion}/account/availability/{id} |
List enrolled Beta programs | GET | /{apiVersion}/account/betas |
Enroll in a Beta program | POST | /{apiVersion}/account/betas |
Get an enrolled Beta program | GET | /{apiVersion}/account/betas/{betaId} |
Cancel your account | POST | /{apiVersion}/account/cancel |
List child accounts | GET | /{apiVersion}/account/child-accounts |
Get a child account | GET | /{apiVersion}/account/child-accounts/{euuid} |
Create a proxy user token | POST | /{apiVersion}/account/child-accounts/{euuid}/token |
Deprecated Add or edit a credit card | POST | /{apiVersion}/account/credit-card |
Deprecated List entity transfers | GET | /{apiVersion}/account/entity-transfers |
Deprecated Create an entity transfer | POST | /{apiVersion}/account/entity-transfers |
Deprecated Cancel an entity transfer | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/account/entity-transfers/{token} |
Deprecated Get an entity transfer | GET | /{apiVersion}/account/entity-transfers/{token} |
Deprecated Accept an entity transfer | POST | /{apiVersion}/account/entity-transfers/{token}/accept |
List events | GET | /{apiVersion}/account/events |
Get an event | GET | /{apiVersion}/account/events/{eventId} |
Mark an event as read | POST | /{apiVersion}/account/events/{eventId}/read |
Mark an event as seen | POST | /{apiVersion}/account/events/{eventId}/seen |
List invoices | GET | /{apiVersion}/account/invoices |
Get an invoice | GET | /{apiVersion}/account/invoices/{invoiceId} |
List invoice items | GET | /{apiVersion}/account/invoices/{invoiceId}/items |
List user logins | GET | /{apiVersion}/account/logins |
Get an account login | GET | /{apiVersion}/account/logins/{loginId} |
List maintenances | GET | /{apiVersion}/account/maintenance |
List notifications | GET | /{apiVersion}/account/notifications |
List OAuth clients | GET | /{apiVersion}/account/oauth-clients |
Create an OAuth client | POST | /{apiVersion}/account/oauth-clients |
Delete an OAuth client | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/account/oauth-clients/{clientId} |
Get an OAuth client | GET | /{apiVersion}/account/oauth-clients/{clientId} |
Update an OAuth client | PUT | /{apiVersion}/account/oauth-clients/{clientId} |
Reset an OAuth client secret | POST | /{apiVersion}/account/oauth-clients/{clientId}/reset-secret |
Get the OAuth client's thumbnail | GET | /{apiVersion}/account/oauth-clients/{clientId}/thumbnail |
Update the OAuth client's thumbnail | PUT | /{apiVersion}/account/oauth-clients/{clientId}/thumbnail |
List payment methods | GET | /{apiVersion}/account/payment-methods |
Add a payment method | POST | /{apiVersion}/account/payment-methods |
Delete a payment method | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/account/payment-methods/{paymentMethodId} |
Get a payment method | GET | /{apiVersion}/account/payment-methods/{paymentMethodId} |
Set a default payment method | POST | /{apiVersion}/account/payment-methods/{paymentMethodId}/make-default |
List payments | GET | /{apiVersion}/account/payments |
Make a payment | POST | /{apiVersion}/account/payments |
Deprecated Stage a PayPal payment | POST | /{apiVersion}/account/payments/paypal |
Deprecated Execute a PayPal payment | POST | /{apiVersion}/account/payments/paypal/execute |
Get a payment | GET | /{apiVersion}/account/payments/{paymentId} |
Add a promo credit | POST | /{apiVersion}/account/promo-codes |
List service transfers | GET | /{apiVersion}/account/service-transfers |
Request a service transfer | POST | /{apiVersion}/account/service-transfers |
Cancel a service transfer | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/account/service-transfers/{token} |
Get a service transfer request | GET | /{apiVersion}/account/service-transfers/{token} |
Accept a service transfer | POST | /{apiVersion}/account/service-transfers/{token}/accept |
Get account settings | GET | /{apiVersion}/account/settings |
Update account settings | PUT | /{apiVersion}/account/settings |
Enable Linode Managed | POST | /{apiVersion}/account/settings/managed-enable |
Get network usage | GET | /{apiVersion}/account/transfer |
List users | GET | /{apiVersion}/account/users |
Create a user | POST | /{apiVersion}/account/users |
Delete a user | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/account/users/{username} |
Get a user | GET | /{apiVersion}/account/users/{username} |
Update a user | PUT | /{apiVersion}/account/users/{username} |
List a user's grants | GET | /{apiVersion}/account/users/{username}/grants |
Update a user's grants | PUT | /{apiVersion}/account/users/{username}/grants |
Beta programs | ||
List Beta programs | GET | /{apiVersion}/betas |
Get a Beta program | GET | /{apiVersion}/betas/{betaId} |
Databases | ||
List Managed Databases engines | GET | /{apiVersion}/databases/engines |
Get a Managed Databases engine | GET | /{apiVersion}/databases/engines/{engineId} |
List Managed Databases | GET | /{apiVersion}/databases/instances |
List MySQL Managed Databases | GET | /{apiVersion}/databases/mysql/instances |
Create or restore a MySQL Managed Database | POST | /{apiVersion}/databases/mysql/instances |
Delete a MySQL Managed Database | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/databases/mysql/instances/{instanceId} |
Get a MySQL Managed Database | GET | /{apiVersion}/databases/mysql/instances/{instanceId} |
Update a MySQL Managed Database | PUT | /{apiVersion}/databases/mysql/instances/{instanceId} |
Get MySQL Managed Database credentials | GET | /{apiVersion}/databases/mysql/instances/{instanceId}/credentials |
Reset MySQL Managed Database credentials | POST | /{apiVersion}/databases/mysql/instances/{instanceId}/credentials/reset |
Patch a MySQL Managed Database | POST | /{apiVersion}/databases/mysql/instances/{instanceId}/patch |
Resume a MySQL Managed Database | POST | /{apiVersion}/databases/mysql/instances/{instanceId}/resume |
Get a MySQL Managed Database SSL certificate | GET | /{apiVersion}/databases/mysql/instances/{instanceId}/ssl |
Suspend a MySQL Managed Database | POST | /{apiVersion}/databases/mysql/instances/{instanceId}/suspend |
List PostgreSQL Managed Databases | GET | /{apiVersion}/databases/postgresql/instances |
Create or restore a PostgreSQL Managed Database | POST | /{apiVersion}/databases/postgresql/instances |
Delete a PostgreSQL Managed Database | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/databases/postgresql/instances/{instanceId} |
Get a PostgreSQL Managed Database | GET | /{apiVersion}/databases/postgresql/instances/{instanceId} |
Update a PostgreSQL Managed Database | PUT | /{apiVersion}/databases/postgresql/instances/{instanceId} |
Get PostgreSQL Managed Database credentials | GET | /{apiVersion}/databases/postgresql/instances/{instanceId}/credentials |
Reset PostgreSQL Managed Database credentials | POST | /{apiVersion}/databases/postgresql/instances/{instanceId}/credentials/reset |
Patch a PostgreSQL Managed Database | POST | /{apiVersion}/databases/postgresql/instances/{instanceId}/patch |
Resume a PostgreSQL Managed Database | POST | /{apiVersion}/databases/postgresql/instances/{instanceId}/resume |
Get a PostgreSQL Managed Database SSL certificate | GET | /{apiVersion}/databases/postgresql/instances/{instanceId}/ssl |
Suspend a PostgreSQL Managed Database | POST | /{apiVersion}/databases/postgresql/instances/{instanceId}/suspend |
List Managed Databases types | GET | /{apiVersion}/databases/types |
Get a Managed Databases type | GET | /{apiVersion}/databases/types/{typeId} |
Domains | ||
List domains | GET | /{apiVersion}/domains |
Create a domain | POST | /{apiVersion}/domains |
Import a domain | POST | /{apiVersion}/domains/import |
Delete a domain | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/domains/{domainId} |
Get a domain | GET | /{apiVersion}/domains/{domainId} |
Update a domain | PUT | /{apiVersion}/domains/{domainId} |
Clone a domain | POST | /{apiVersion}/domains/{domainId}/clone |
List domain records | GET | /{apiVersion}/domains/{domainId}/records |
Create a domain record | POST | /{apiVersion}/domains/{domainId}/records |
Delete a domain record | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/domains/{domainId}/records/{recordId} |
Get a domain record | GET | /{apiVersion}/domains/{domainId}/records/{recordId} |
Update a domain record | PUT | /{apiVersion}/domains/{domainId}/records/{recordId} |
Get a domain zone file | GET | /{apiVersion}/domains/{domainId}/zone-file |
Images | ||
List images | GET | /{apiVersion}/images |
Create an image | POST | /{apiVersion}/images |
Upload an image | POST | /{apiVersion}/images/upload |
Delete an image | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/images/{imageId} |
Get an image | GET | /{apiVersion}/images/{imageId} |
Update an image | PUT | /{apiVersion}/images/{imageId} |
Replicate an image | POST | /{apiVersion}/images/{imageId}/regions |
Linode instances | ||
List Linodes | GET | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances |
Create a Linode | POST | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances |
Delete a Linode | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId} |
Get a Linode | GET | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId} |
Update a Linode | PUT | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId} |
List backups | GET | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/backups |
Create a snapshot | POST | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/backups |
Cancel backups | POST | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/backups/cancel |
Enable backups | POST | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/backups/enable |
Get a backup | GET | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/backups/{backupId} |
Restore a backup | POST | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/backups/{backupId}/restore |
Boot a Linode | POST | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/boot |
Clone a Linode | POST | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/clone |
List configuration profiles | GET | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/configs |
Create a configuration profile | POST | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/configs |
Delete a configuration profile | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/configs/{configId} |
Get a configuration profile | GET | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/configs/{configId} |
Update a configuration profile | PUT | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/configs/{configId} |
List configuration profile interfaces | GET | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/configs/{configId}/interfaces |
Add a configuration profile interface | POST | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/configs/{configId}/interfaces |
Reorder configuration profile interfaces | POST | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/configs/{configId}/interfaces/order |
Delete a configuration profile interface | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/configs/{configId}/interfaces/{interfaceId} |
Get a configuration profile interface | GET | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/configs/{configId}/interfaces/{interfaceId} |
Update a configuration profile interface | PUT | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/configs/{configId}/interfaces/{interfaceId} |
List disks | GET | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/disks |
Create a disk | POST | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/disks |
Delete a disk | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/disks/{diskId} |
Get a disk | GET | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/disks/{diskId} |
Update a disk | PUT | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/disks/{diskId} |
Clone a disk | POST | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/disks/{diskId}/clone |
Reset a disk root password | POST | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/disks/{diskId}/password |
Resize a disk | POST | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/disks/{diskId}/resize |
List a Linode's firewalls | GET | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/firewalls |
Apply a Linode's firewalls | POST | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/firewalls/apply |
Get networking information | GET | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/ips |
Allocate an IPv4 address | POST | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/ips |
Delete an IPv4 address | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/ips/{address} |
Get a Linode's IP address | GET | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/ips/{address} |
Update an IP address's RDNS for a Linode | PUT | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/ips/{address} |
Initiate a DC migration/pending host migration | POST | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/migrate |
Upgrade a Linode | POST | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/mutate |
List Linode NodeBalancers | GET | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/nodebalancers |
Reset a Linode's root password | POST | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/password |
Reboot a Linode | POST | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/reboot |
Rebuild a Linode | POST | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/rebuild |
Boot a Linode into rescue mode | POST | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/rescue |
Resize a Linode | POST | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/resize |
Shut down a Linode | POST | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/shutdown |
Get Linode statistics | GET | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/stats |
Get monthly statistics | GET | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/stats/{year}/{month} |
Get a network transfer | GET | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/transfer |
Get monthly network transfer stats | GET | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/transfer/{year}/{month} |
List a Linode's volumes | GET | /{apiVersion}/linode/instances/{linodeId}/volumes |
List kernels | GET | /{apiVersion}/linode/kernels |
Get a kernel | GET | /{apiVersion}/linode/kernels/{kernelId} |
List types | GET | /{apiVersion}/linode/types |
Get a type | GET | /{apiVersion}/linode/types/{typeId} |
Linode StackScripts | ||
List StackScripts | GET | /{apiVersion}/linode/stackscripts |
Create a StackScript | POST | /{apiVersion}/linode/stackscripts |
Delete a StackScript | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/linode/stackscripts/{stackscriptId} |
Get a StackScript | GET | /{apiVersion}/linode/stackscripts/{stackscriptId} |
Update a StackScript | PUT | /{apiVersion}/linode/stackscripts/{stackscriptId} |
Linode Kubernetes Engine (LKE) | ||
List Kubernetes clusters | GET | /{apiVersion}/lke/clusters |
Create a Kubernetes cluster | POST | /{apiVersion}/lke/clusters |
Delete a Kubernetes cluster | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/lke/clusters/{clusterId} |
Get a Kubernetes cluster | GET | /{apiVersion}/lke/clusters/{clusterId} |
Update a Kubernetes cluster | PUT | /{apiVersion}/lke/clusters/{clusterId} |
List Kubernetes API endpoints | GET | /{apiVersion}/lke/clusters/{clusterId}/api-endpoints |
Delete the control plane access control list | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/lke/clusters/{clusterId}/control_plane_acl |
Get the control plane access control list | GET | /{apiVersion}/lke/clusters/{clusterId}/control_plane_acl |
Update the control plane access control list | PUT | /{apiVersion}/lke/clusters/{clusterId}/control_plane_acl |
Get a Kubernetes cluster dashboard URL | GET | /{apiVersion}/lke/clusters/{clusterId}/dashboard |
Delete a Kubeconfig | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/lke/clusters/{clusterId}/kubeconfig |
Get a Kubeconfig | GET | /{apiVersion}/lke/clusters/{clusterId}/kubeconfig |
Delete a node | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/lke/clusters/{clusterId}/nodes/{nodeId} |
Get a node | GET | /{apiVersion}/lke/clusters/{clusterId}/nodes/{nodeId} |
Recycle a node | POST | /{apiVersion}/lke/clusters/{clusterId}/nodes/{nodeId}/recycle |
List node pools | GET | /{apiVersion}/lke/clusters/{clusterId}/pools |
Create a node pool | POST | /{apiVersion}/lke/clusters/{clusterId}/pools |
Delete a node pool | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/lke/clusters/{clusterId}/pools/{poolId} |
Get a node pool | GET | /{apiVersion}/lke/clusters/{clusterId}/pools/{poolId} |
Update a node pool | PUT | /{apiVersion}/lke/clusters/{clusterId}/pools/{poolId} |
Recycle a node pool | POST | /{apiVersion}/lke/clusters/{clusterId}/pools/{poolId}/recycle |
Recycle cluster nodes | POST | /{apiVersion}/lke/clusters/{clusterId}/recycle |
Regenerate a Kubernetes cluster | POST | /{apiVersion}/lke/clusters/{clusterId}/regenerate |
Delete a service token | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/lke/clusters/{clusterId}/servicetoken |
List Kubernetes types | GET | /{apiVersion}/lke/types |
List Kubernetes versions | GET | /{apiVersion}/lke/versions |
Get a Kubernetes version | GET | /{apiVersion}/lke/versions/{version} |
Longview | ||
List Longview clients | GET | /{apiVersion}/longview/clients |
Create a Longview client | POST | /{apiVersion}/longview/clients |
Delete a Longview client | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/longview/clients/{clientId} |
Get a Longview client | GET | /{apiVersion}/longview/clients/{clientId} |
Update a Longview client | PUT | /{apiVersion}/longview/clients/{clientId} |
Get a Longview plan | GET | /{apiVersion}/longview/plan |
Update a Longview plan | PUT | /{apiVersion}/longview/plan |
List Longview subscriptions | GET | /{apiVersion}/longview/subscriptions |
Get a Longview subscription | GET | /{apiVersion}/longview/subscriptions/{subscriptionId} |
List Longview types | GET | /{apiVersion}/longview/types |
Managed | ||
List managed contacts | GET | /{apiVersion}/managed/contacts |
Create a managed contact | POST | /{apiVersion}/managed/contacts |
Delete a managed contact | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/managed/contacts/{contactId} |
Get a managed contact | GET | /{apiVersion}/managed/contacts/{contactId} |
Update a managed contact | PUT | /{apiVersion}/managed/contacts/{contactId} |
List managed credentials | GET | /{apiVersion}/managed/credentials |
Create a managed credential | POST | /{apiVersion}/managed/credentials |
Get a managed SSH key | GET | /{apiVersion}/managed/credentials/sshkey |
Get a managed credential | GET | /{apiVersion}/managed/credentials/{credentialId} |
Update a managed credential | PUT | /{apiVersion}/managed/credentials/{credentialId} |
Delete a managed credential | POST | /{apiVersion}/managed/credentials/{credentialId}/revoke |
Update a managed credential's username and password | POST | /{apiVersion}/managed/credentials/{credentialId}/update |
List managed issues | GET | /{apiVersion}/managed/issues |
Get a managed issue | GET | /{apiVersion}/managed/issues/{issueId} |
List managed Linode settings | GET | /{apiVersion}/managed/linode-settings |
Get a Linode's managed settings | GET | /{apiVersion}/managed/linode-settings/{linodeId} |
Update a Linode's managed settings | PUT | /{apiVersion}/managed/linode-settings/{linodeId} |
List managed services | GET | /{apiVersion}/managed/services |
Create a managed service | POST | /{apiVersion}/managed/services |
Delete a managed service | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/managed/services/{serviceId} |
Get a managed service | GET | /{apiVersion}/managed/services/{serviceId} |
Update a managed service | PUT | /{apiVersion}/managed/services/{serviceId} |
Disable a managed service | POST | /{apiVersion}/managed/services/{serviceId}/disable |
Enable a managed service | POST | /{apiVersion}/managed/services/{serviceId}/enable |
List managed stats | GET | /{apiVersion}/managed/stats |
Networking | ||
List firewalls | GET | /{apiVersion}/networking/firewalls |
Create a firewall | POST | /{apiVersion}/networking/firewalls |
Delete a firewall | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/networking/firewalls/{firewallId} |
Get a firewall | GET | /{apiVersion}/networking/firewalls/{firewallId} |
Update a firewall | PUT | /{apiVersion}/networking/firewalls/{firewallId} |
List firewall devices | GET | /{apiVersion}/networking/firewalls/{firewallId}/devices |
Create a firewall device | POST | /{apiVersion}/networking/firewalls/{firewallId}/devices |
Delete a firewall device | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/networking/firewalls/{firewallId}/devices/{deviceId} |
Get a firewall device | GET | /{apiVersion}/networking/firewalls/{firewallId}/devices/{deviceId} |
List firewall rule versions | GET | /{apiVersion}/networking/firewalls/{firewallId}/history |
Get a firewall rule version | GET | /{apiVersion}/networking/firewalls/{firewallId}/history/rules/{version} |
List firewall rules | GET | /{apiVersion}/networking/firewalls/{firewallId}/rules |
Update firewall rules | PUT | /{apiVersion}/networking/firewalls/{firewallId}/rules |
List IP addresses | GET | /{apiVersion}/networking/ips |
Allocate an IP address | POST | /{apiVersion}/networking/ips |
Assign IP addresses | POST | /{apiVersion}/networking/ips/assign |
Share IP addresses | POST | /{apiVersion}/networking/ips/share |
Get an IP address | GET | /{apiVersion}/networking/ips/{address} |
Update an IP address's RDNS | PUT | /{apiVersion}/networking/ips/{address} |
Assign IPv4s to Linodes | POST | /{apiVersion}/networking/ipv4/assign |
Configure IPv4 sharing | POST | /{apiVersion}/networking/ipv4/share |
List IPv6 pools | GET | /{apiVersion}/networking/ipv6/pools |
List IPv6 ranges | GET | /{apiVersion}/networking/ipv6/ranges |
Create an IPv6 range | POST | /{apiVersion}/networking/ipv6/ranges |
Delete an IPv6 range | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/networking/ipv6/ranges/{range} |
Get an IPv6 range | GET | /{apiVersion}/networking/ipv6/ranges/{range} |
List VLANs | GET | /{apiVersion}/networking/vlans |
Delete a VLAN | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/networking/vlans/{regionId}/{label} |
Network transfer prices | ||
List network transfer prices | GET | /{apiVersion}/network-transfer/prices |
NodeBalancers | ||
List NodeBalancers | GET | /{apiVersion}/nodebalancers |
Create a NodeBalancer | POST | /{apiVersion}/nodebalancers |
List NodeBalancer types | GET | /{apiVersion}/nodebalancers/types |
Delete a NodeBalancer | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/nodebalancers/{nodeBalancerId} |
Get a NodeBalancer | GET | /{apiVersion}/nodebalancers/{nodeBalancerId} |
Update a NodeBalancer | PUT | /{apiVersion}/nodebalancers/{nodeBalancerId} |
List configs | GET | /{apiVersion}/nodebalancers/{nodeBalancerId}/configs |
Create a config | POST | /{apiVersion}/nodebalancers/{nodeBalancerId}/configs |
Delete a config | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/nodebalancers/{nodeBalancerId}/configs/{configId} |
Get a config | GET | /{apiVersion}/nodebalancers/{nodeBalancerId}/configs/{configId} |
Update a config | PUT | /{apiVersion}/nodebalancers/{nodeBalancerId}/configs/{configId} |
List nodes | GET | /{apiVersion}/nodebalancers/{nodeBalancerId}/configs/{configId}/nodes |
Create a node | POST | /{apiVersion}/nodebalancers/{nodeBalancerId}/configs/{configId}/nodes |
Delete a NodeBalancer's node | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/nodebalancers/{nodeBalancerId}/configs/{configId}/nodes/{nodeId} |
Get a NodeBalancer's node | GET | /{apiVersion}/nodebalancers/{nodeBalancerId}/configs/{configId}/nodes/{nodeId} |
Update a node | PUT | /{apiVersion}/nodebalancers/{nodeBalancerId}/configs/{configId}/nodes/{nodeId} |
Rebuild a config | POST | /{apiVersion}/nodebalancers/{nodeBalancerId}/configs/{configId}/rebuild |
List NodeBalancer firewalls | GET | /{apiVersion}/nodebalancers/{nodeBalancerId}/firewalls |
Get NodeBalancer statistics | GET | /{apiVersion}/nodebalancers/{nodeBalancerId}/stats |
Object Storage | ||
List Object Storage buckets | GET | /{apiVersion}/object-storage/buckets |
Create an Object Storage bucket | POST | /{apiVersion}/object-storage/buckets |
List Object Storage buckets per region | GET | /{apiVersion}/object-storage/buckets/{regionId} |
Remove an Object Storage bucket | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/object-storage/buckets/{regionId}/{bucket} |
Get an Object Storage bucket | GET | /{apiVersion}/object-storage/buckets/{regionId}/{bucket} |
Get Object Storage bucket access | GET | /{apiVersion}/object-storage/buckets/{regionId}/{bucket}/access |
Allow access to an Object Storage bucket | POST | /{apiVersion}/object-storage/buckets/{regionId}/{bucket}/access |
Update access to an Object Storage bucket | PUT | /{apiVersion}/object-storage/buckets/{regionId}/{bucket}/access |
Get an Object Storage object ACL configuration | GET | /{apiVersion}/object-storage/buckets/{regionId}/{bucket}/object-acl |
Update an object's ACL configuration | PUT | /{apiVersion}/object-storage/buckets/{regionId}/{bucket}/object-acl |
List Object Storage bucket contents | GET | /{apiVersion}/object-storage/buckets/{regionId}/{bucket}/object-list |
Create a URL for an object | POST | /{apiVersion}/object-storage/buckets/{regionId}/{bucket}/object-url |
Delete an Object Storage TLS/SSL certificate | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/object-storage/buckets/{regionId}/{bucket}/ssl |
Get an Object Storage TLS/SSL certificate | GET | /{apiVersion}/object-storage/buckets/{regionId}/{bucket}/ssl |
Upload an Object Storage TLS/SSL certificate | POST | /{apiVersion}/object-storage/buckets/{regionId}/{bucket}/ssl |
Cancel Object Storage | POST | /{apiVersion}/object-storage/cancel |
Deprecated List clusters | GET | /{apiVersion}/object-storage/clusters |
Deprecated Get a cluster | GET | /{apiVersion}/object-storage/clusters/{clusterId} |
List Object Storage endpoints | GET | /{apiVersion}/object-storage/endpoints |
List Object Storage keys | GET | /{apiVersion}/object-storage/keys |
Create an Object Storage key | POST | /{apiVersion}/object-storage/keys |
Revoke an Object Storage key | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/object-storage/keys/{keyId} |
Get an Object Storage key | GET | /{apiVersion}/object-storage/keys/{keyId} |
Update an Object Storage key | PUT | /{apiVersion}/object-storage/keys/{keyId} |
Get Object Storage transfer data | GET | /{apiVersion}/object-storage/transfer |
List Object Storage types | GET | /{apiVersion}/object-storage/types |
Placement groups | ||
List placement groups | GET | /{apiVersion}/placement/groups |
Create placement group | POST | /{apiVersion}/placement/groups |
Delete a placement group | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/placement/groups/{groupId} |
Get a placement group | GET | /{apiVersion}/placement/groups/{groupId} |
Update a placement group | PUT | /{apiVersion}/placement/groups/{groupId} |
Assign a placement group | POST | /{apiVersion}/placement/groups/{groupId}/assign |
Unassign a placement group | POST | /{apiVersion}/placement/groups/{groupId}/unassign |
Profile | ||
Get a profile | GET | /{apiVersion}/profile |
Update a profile | PUT | /{apiVersion}/profile |
List authorized apps | GET | /{apiVersion}/profile/apps |
Revoke app access | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/profile/apps/{appId} |
Get an authorized app | GET | /{apiVersion}/profile/apps/{appId} |
List trusted devices | GET | /{apiVersion}/profile/devices |
Revoke a trusted device | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/profile/devices/{deviceId} |
Get a trusted device | GET | /{apiVersion}/profile/devices/{deviceId} |
List grants | GET | /{apiVersion}/profile/grants |
List logins | GET | /{apiVersion}/profile/logins |
Get a profile's login | GET | /{apiVersion}/profile/logins/{loginId} |
Delete a phone number | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/profile/phone-number |
Send a phone number verification code | POST | /{apiVersion}/profile/phone-number |
Verify a phone number | POST | /{apiVersion}/profile/phone-number/verify |
Get user preferences | GET | /{apiVersion}/profile/preferences |
Update a user's preferences | PUT | /{apiVersion}/profile/preferences |
List security questions | GET | /{apiVersion}/profile/security-questions |
Answer security questions | POST | /{apiVersion}/profile/security-questions |
List SSH keys | GET | /{apiVersion}/profile/sshkeys |
Add an SSH key | POST | /{apiVersion}/profile/sshkeys |
Delete an SSH key | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/profile/sshkeys/{sshKeyId} |
Get an SSH key | GET | /{apiVersion}/profile/sshkeys/{sshKeyId} |
Update an SSH key | PUT | /{apiVersion}/profile/sshkeys/{sshKeyId} |
Disable two factor authentication | POST | /{apiVersion}/profile/tfa-disable |
Create a two factor secret | POST | /{apiVersion}/profile/tfa-enable |
Enable two factor authentication | POST | /{apiVersion}/profile/tfa-enable-confirm |
List personal access tokens | GET | /{apiVersion}/profile/tokens |
Create a personal access token | POST | /{apiVersion}/profile/tokens |
Revoke a personal access token | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/profile/tokens/{tokenId} |
Get a personal access token | GET | /{apiVersion}/profile/tokens/{tokenId} |
Update a personal access token | PUT | /{apiVersion}/profile/tokens/{tokenId} |
Regions | ||
List regions | GET | /{apiVersion}/regions |
List regions' availability | GET | /{apiVersion}/regions/availability |
Get a region | GET | /{apiVersion}/regions/{regionId} |
Get a region's availability | GET | /{apiVersion}/regions/{regionId}/availability |
Support | ||
List support tickets | GET | /{apiVersion}/support/tickets |
Open a support ticket | POST | /{apiVersion}/support/tickets |
Get a support ticket | GET | /{apiVersion}/support/tickets/{ticketId} |
Create a support ticket attachment | POST | /{apiVersion}/support/tickets/{ticketId}/attachments |
Close a support ticket | POST | /{apiVersion}/support/tickets/{ticketId}/close |
List replies | GET | /{apiVersion}/support/tickets/{ticketId}/replies |
Create a reply | POST | /{apiVersion}/support/tickets/{ticketId}/replies |
Tags | ||
List tags | GET | /{apiVersion}/tags |
Create a tag | POST | /{apiVersion}/tags |
Delete a tag | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/tags/{tagLabel} |
List tagged objects | GET | /{apiVersion}/tags/{tagLabel} |
Volumes | ||
List volumes | GET | /{apiVersion}/volumes |
Create a volume | POST | /{apiVersion}/volumes |
List volume types | GET | /{apiVersion}/volumes/types |
Delete a volume | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/volumes/{volumeId} |
Get a volume | GET | /{apiVersion}/volumes/{volumeId} |
Update a volume | PUT | /{apiVersion}/volumes/{volumeId} |
Attach a volume | POST | /{apiVersion}/volumes/{volumeId}/attach |
Clone a volume | POST | /{apiVersion}/volumes/{volumeId}/clone |
Detach a volume | POST | /{apiVersion}/volumes/{volumeId}/detach |
Resize a volume | POST | /{apiVersion}/volumes/{volumeId}/resize |
VPCs | ||
List VPCs | GET | /{apiVersion}/vpcs |
Create a VPC | POST | /{apiVersion}/vpcs |
List VPC IP addresses | GET | /{apiVersion}/vpcs/ips |
Delete a VPC | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/vpcs/{vpcId} |
Get a VPC | GET | /{apiVersion}/vpcs/{vpcId} |
Update a VPC | PUT | /{apiVersion}/vpcs/{vpcId} |
List a VPC's IP addresses | GET | /{apiVersion}/vpcs/{vpcId}/ips |
List VPC subnets | GET | /{apiVersion}/vpcs/{vpcId}/subnets |
Create a VPC subnet | POST | /{apiVersion}/vpcs/{vpcId}/subnets |
Delete a VPC subnet | DELETE | /{apiVersion}/vpcs/{vpcId}/subnets/{vpcSubnetId} |
Get a VPC subnet | GET | /{apiVersion}/vpcs/{vpcId}/subnets/{vpcSubnetId} |
Update a VPC subnet | PUT | /{apiVersion}/vpcs/{vpcId}/subnets/{vpcSubnetId} |