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Troubleshoot Issues with Kubernetes
Troubleshooting issues with Kubernetes can be complex, and it can be difficult to account for all the possible error conditions you may see. This guide tries to equip you with the core tools that can be useful when troubleshooting, and it introduces some situations that you may find yourself in.
If your issue is not covered by this guide, we also recommend researching and posting in the Linode Community Questions site and in #linode
on the Kubernetes Slack, where other Linode users (and the Kubernetes community) can offer advice.
If you are running a cluster on Linode’s managed LKE service, and you are experiencing an issue related to your master/control plane components, you can report these issues to Linode by contacting Linode Support. Examples in this category include:
Kubernetes’ API server not running. If kubectl does not respond as expected, this can indicate problems with the API server.
The CCM, CSI, Calico, or kube-dns Pods are not running.
Annotations on LoadBalancer services aren’t functioning.
PersistentVolumes are not re-attaching.
Please note that the kube-apiserver and etcd Pods will not be visible for LKE clusters, and this is expected. Issues outside of the scope of Linode Support include:
Problems with the control plane of clusters not managed by LKE.
Problems with applications deployed on Kubernetes.
In this guide we will:
- Refer to the most-frequently used commands when troubleshooting a cluster and find out where your Kubernetes logs are stored.
- Review some common issues that can appear on your cluster.
General Troubleshooting Strategies
To troubleshoot issues with the applications running on your cluster, you can rely on the kubectl
command to gather debugging information. kubectl
includes a set of subcommands that can be used to research issues with your cluster, and this guide will highlight four of them: get, describe, logs, and exec.
To troubleshoot issues with your cluster, you may need to directly view the logs that are generated by Kubernetes’ components.
kubectl get
Use the get
command to list different kinds of resources in your cluster (nodes
, pods
, services
, etc). The output will show the status for each resource returned. For example, this output shows that a Pod is in the CrashLoopBackOff
status, which means it should be investigated further:
kubectl get pods
ghost-0 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 34 2h
mariadb-0 1/1 Running 0 2h
Use the
flag to show resources in a certain namespace:# Show pods in the `kube-system` namespace kubectl get pods --namespace kube-system
Note If you’ve set up Kubernetes using automated solutions like Linode’s Kubernetes Engine, k8s-alpha CLI, or Rancher, you’ll see csi-linode and ccm-linode Pods in thekube-system
namespace. This is normal as long as they’re in the Running status.Use the
flag to return the resources as YAML or JSON. The Kubernetes API’s complete description for the returned resources will be shown:# Get pods as YAML API objects kubectl get pods -o yaml
Sort the returned resources with the
flag:# Sort by name kubectl get pods
Use the
flag to get resources that match a label. This is useful for finding all Pods for a given service:# Get pods which match the app=ghost selector kubectl get pods -l app=ghost
Use the
flag to return resources which match different resource fields:# Get all pods that are Pending kubectl get pods --field-selector status.phase=Pending
# Get all pods that are not in the kube-system namespace kubectl get pods --field-selector metadata.namespace!=kube-system
kubectl describe
Use the describe
command to return a detailed report of the state of one or more resources in your cluster. Pass a resource type to the describe
command to get a report for each of those resources:
kubectl describe nodes
Pass the name of a resource to get a report for just that object:
kubectl describe pods ghost-0
You can also use the --selector
) flag to filter the returned resources, as with the get
kubectl logs
Use the logs
command to print logs collected by a Pod:
kubectl logs mariadb-0
Use the
) flag to print logs from all Pods that match a selector:kubectl logs -l app=ghost
If a Pod’s container was killed and restarted, you can view the previous container’s logs with the
flag:kubectl logs -p ghost-0
kubectl exec
You can run arbitrary commands on a Pod’s container by passing them to kubectl’s exec
kubectl exec mariadb-0 -- ps aux
The full syntax for the command is:
kubectl exec ${POD_NAME} -c ${CONTAINER_NAME} -- ${CMD} ${ARG1} ${ARG2} ... ${ARGN}
flag is optional, and is only needed when the specified Pod is running more than one container.It is possible to run an interactive shell on an existing pod/container. Pass the -it
flags to exec
and run the shell:
kubectl exec -it mariadb-0 -- /bin/bash
Enter exit
to later leave this shell.
Viewing Master and Worker Logs
If the Kubernetes API server isn’t working normally, then you may not be able to use kubectl
to troubleshoot. When this happens, or if you are experiencing other more fundamental issues with your cluster, you can instead log directly into your nodes and view the logs present on your filesystem.
Non-systemd systems
If your nodes do not run systemd, the location of logs on your master nodes should be:
- API server/var/log/kube-scheduler.log
- Scheduler/var/log/kube-controller-manager.log
- Replication controller managerNote You will not be able to directly access the master nodes of your cluster if you are using Linode’s LKE service.
On your worker nodes:
- Kubelet/var/log/kube-proxy.log
- Kube proxy
systemd systems
If your nodes run systemd, you can access the logs that kubelet generates with journalctl:
journalctl --unit kubelet
Logs for your other Kubernetes software components can be found through your container runtime. When using Docker, you can use the docker ps
and docker logs
commands to investigate. For example, to find the container running your API server:
docker ps | grep apiserver
The output will display a list of information separated by tabs:
2f4e6242e1a2 cfdda15fbce2 "kube-apiserver --au…" 2 days ago Up 2 days k8s_kube-apiserver_kube-apiserver-k8s-trouble-1-master-1_kube-system_085b2ab3bd6d908bde1af92bd25e5aaa_0
The first entry (in this example: 2f4e6242e1a2
) will be an alphanumeric string, and it is the ID for the container. Copy this string and pass it to docker logs
to view the logs for your API server:
docker logs ${CONTAINER_ID}
Troubleshooting Examples
Viewing the Wrong Cluster
If your kubectl
commands are not returning the resources and information you expect, then your client may be assigned to the wrong cluster context. To view all of the cluster contexts on your system, run:
kubectl config get-contexts
An asterisk will appear next to the active context:
my-cluster-kayciZBRO5s@my-cluster my-cluster my-cluster-kayciZBRO5s
* other-cluster-kaUzJOMWJ3c@other-cluster other-cluster other-cluster-kaUzJOMWJ3c
To switch to another context, run:
kubectl config use-context ${CLUSTER_NAME}
kubectl config use-context my-cluster-kayciZBRO5s@my-cluster
Can’t Provision Cluster Nodes
If you are not able to create new nodes in your cluster, you may see an error message similar to:
Error creating a Linode Instance: [400] Account Limit reached. Please open a support ticket.
This is a reference to the total number of Linode resources that can exist on your account. To create new Linode instances for your cluster, you will need to either remove other instances on your account, or request a limit increase. To request a limit increase, contact Linode Support.
Insufficient CPU or Memory
If one of your Pods requests more memory or CPU than is available on your worker nodes, then one of these scenarios may happen:
The Pod will remain in the Pending state, because the scheduler cannot find a node to run it on. This will be visible when running
kubectl get pods
.If you run the
kubectl describe
command on your Pod, the Events section may list aFailedScheduling
event, along with a message likeFailed for reason PodExceedsFreeCPU and possibly others
. You can runkubectl describe nodes
to view information about the allocated resources for each node.The Pod may continually crash. For example, the Ghost Pod specified by Ghost’s Helm chart will show the following error in its logs when not enough memory is available:
kubectl logs ghost --tail=5
1) SystemError Message: You are recommended to have at least 150 MB of memory available for smooth operation. It looks like you have ~58 MB available.
If your cluster has insufficient resources for a new Pod, you will need to do one or more of the following:
- Reduce the number of other pods/deployments/applications running on your cluster.
- Add a new worker node or nodes to your cluster.
- Add a new Node Pool with access to more resources and migrate the workload to the new pool.
Rolling Back a Highly Available (HA) LKE Cluster
You cannot roll back a HA cluster in LKE. If you decide that you no longer want HA, you need to rebuild the configuration on a new cluster. To recreate the configuration for all active Kubernetes objects see, Declarative Management of Kubernetes Objects Using Configuration Files.
More Information
You may wish to consult the following resources for additional information on this topic. While these are provided in the hope that they will be useful, please note that we cannot vouch for the accuracy or timeliness of externally hosted materials.
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