
This guide has been deprecated and is no longer being maintained.

This app is no longer available for deployment
Rust has been removed from the App Marketplace and can no longer be deployed. This guide is retained for reference only.

Rust is a multiplayer game where you play as a survivor that must work with or against other players to ensure your own survival. Players are able to steal, lie, cheat, or trick each other. You can build a shelter, hunt animals for food, craft weapons, craft armor, and much more.

Hosting your own Rust server lets you customize settings and curate the number of players in the world.

Deploying a Marketplace App

The Linode Marketplace lets you easily deploy software on a Compute Instance using Cloud Manager. See Get Started with Marketplace Apps for complete steps.

  1. Log in to Cloud Manager and select the Marketplace link from the left navigation menu. This displays the Linode Create page with the Marketplace tab pre-selected.

  2. Under the Select App section, select the app you would like to deploy.

  3. Complete the form by following the steps and advice within the Creating a Compute Instance guide. Depending on the Marketplace App you selected, there may be additional configuration options available. See the Configuration Options section below for compatible distributions, recommended plans, and any additional configuration options available for this Marketplace App.

  4. Click the Create Linode button. Once the Compute Instance has been provisioned and has fully powered on, wait for the software installation to complete. If the instance is powered off or restarted before this time, the software installation will likely fail.

To verify that the app has been fully installed, see Get Started with Marketplace Apps > Verify Installation. Once installed, follow the instructions within the Getting Started After Deployment section to access the application and start using it.

Estimated deployment time: Rust should be fully installed within 5-15 minutes after the Compute Instance has finished provisioning.

Configuration Options

  • Supported distributions: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
  • Recommended minimum plan: 8GB Dedicated CPU or Shared Compute Instance

Rust Options

  • RCON Password (required): The password for your remote console, which lets you issue commands on the Rust server
  • Server Hostname: The name of your Rust server.
  • Server Description: Your server’s description. Use \n to create a new line.
  • Maximum Players: The maximum number of players allowed on a server at one time. Default is 50, minimum is 10, maximum is 100.
  • World: Sets the type of map to generate. Options are Procedural Map, Barren, Hapis Island, Savas Island.
  • World Size: The size of the world map. Default is 3000, minimum is 1000, maximum is 8000.
  • Seed: A random numeric seed used by the world generation algorithm to create a unique world. The maximum value is 4,294,967,295.
  • Global Chat Enabled: Enables global chat. Chat messages will be broadcast to all players.
  • PvE Enabled: Allow player vs. environment combat.
Do not use a double quotation mark character (") within any of the App-specific configuration fields, including user and database password fields. This special character may cause issues during deployment.

Getting Started after Deployment

Ensure that you have installed Rust to your computer before getting started with this section. You can install Rust from Steam’s Web Store.

After the Rust Marketplace App has finished deploying to your Linode, you will be able to access your Rust server by copying your Linode’s IPv4 address and entering it in to the Rust game installed on your computer. To find your Linode’s IPv4 address:

  1. Click on the Linodes link in the sidebar. You will see a list of all your Linodes.

  2. Find the Linode you just created when deploying your app and select it.

  3. Navigate to the Networking tab.

  4. Under the IPv4 heading, you will find your IPv4 address listed under the Address column.

  5. Copy the IPv4 address. Open Rust, and then open the developer’s console by pressing f1.

  6. In the console, type connect and replace with your Linode’s IP address. Be sure append the port 28015 to the end of the IP address. Press enter when you are done typing.

    You will be logged in to the server, and the game will load.

Software Included

The Rust Marketplace App will install the following required software on your Linode:

Software       Description
Rust ServerGame server.
LinuxGSMA command line tool for the deployment and management of Linux game servers.
UFWFirewall utility. Ports 28015 and 28016 will allow outgoing and incoming traffic.
Fail2banFail2Ban is an intrusion prevention software framework that protects computer servers from brute-force attacks.
Currently, Akamai doesn’t manage software and systems updates for Marketplace Apps. It is up to the user to perform routine maintenance on software deployed in this fashion.

More Information

You may wish to consult the following resources for additional information on this topic. While these are provided in the hope that they will be useful, please note that we cannot vouch for the accuracy or timeliness of externally hosted materials.

This page was originally published on

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