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This guide covers the remote sync rsync tool on Linux and other nix platforms. The rsync tool is a highly flexible command-line utility that manages file movement, in and among hosts. It is implemented on most supported systems with predictable results and very few inter-version problems between hosts.

The rsync tool can run as a server, client, or daemon. When used within the confines of a single host, rsync is always a server or a daemon. When used across and between hosts, rsync establishes a single duplex (bi-directional connection) between hosts.

Rsync is used to move files, groups of files, and directories, to and from other areas. It does not compress or decompress files by default, nor does it encrypt or decrypt files.

A wide variety of filters can be added to the rsync command line. File management jobs with rsync are controlled by cron or other timing software. Rsync is called from shell scripts instantiated with cron, automating file and directory movement on queue. When rsync is called from a script, that script must be marked as executable in the host operating system; how this is done varies by the operating system.

On Linux and Unix-derivative operating systems, file movement is accomplished with FTP/SFTP, scp, cp, mv, and other tools, but these lack rsync file filters and options. Rsync jobs permit strong filtration and tailoring for backup, data file set synchronization and archiving using these filters. Importantly, rsync does not require root or sudo permission(s) although they are confined by the user permissions of the account invoking rsync.

To learn more about rsync, see our Introduction to Rsync guide.

Basic Command Syntax and Implications

Rsync is a command-line utility for synchronizing files and directories between two hosts or machines over a remote shell. It provides an incremental file transfer that copies only the differences between the two hosts. The basic syntax of rsync for copying files locally is as follows:

rsync -[OPTIONS] source destination

For a local to remote file transfer, you can use the following syntax:

rsync -[OPTIONS] source [user@]host:destination

For a remote to local file transfer, you can use the following syntax:

rsync -[OPTIONS] [user@]host:source destination

From the above commands:

  • OPTIONS - rsync provides several options for controlling the command behavior.
  • source- the source directory
  • destination - the destination directory
  • user - the remote username
  • host - Remote hostname or IP address
A trailing / appended to the source creates a directory underneath the target destination directory.

Some of the commonly used rysnc options are discussed below.


The rsync tool does not include all subdirectories of the source argument unless a recursion option is chosen. To invoke recursion, the -r option is used; the syntax is as shown below:

rsync -r source destination

Where rsync gathers the source directory and all of its subdirectory structure and files and then places it in the destination directory recursively.

Consider the following rsync example with the -r option used:

rsync -av /var/opt/rsync-test/ /var/tmp/
building file list ... done
sent 3512383 bytes  received 20 bytes  7024806.00 bytes/sec
total size is 2173344410  speedup is 618.76


The archive option of rsync performs file movement into an archive and does so recursively (meaning no -r option is required). To invoke archiving, the -a option is used. Additionally, -a option preserves symbolic links, groups/owners/permissions mask, and file modification timestamp.

rsync -a source destination

Consider the following rsync example with -a option used:

rsync -av /var/opt/rsync-test/ /var/tmp/
building file list ... done
sent 515963067 bytes  received 275938 bytes  20244666.86 bytes/sec
total size is 2173344410  speedup is 4.21

In the above example, -v option indicates verbosity, which displays more information about files being transferred. By default, rsync works silently. You can see from the below command that rsync preserved groups and owners’ permissions, timestamp, etc

ls -l /var/tmp/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x  4 user4  staff  128 Dec  9  2021 tmp

Null Output or DryRun, and Verbose

Using the rsync tool with its many options and filters produces tailored results. Until an administrator refines the tool, it is also easy to misuse. For this reason, some options allow trial operation of a command-line invocation of rsync and its results. The null output, invoked by -n option is the same as the –dry-run option and shows the output of the test. With the dry run option, rsync processes, and executes the command without actually performing a file movement action, and allows the output of the job as though the job was executed– but it’s not.

rsync -n  source destination


rsync –dry-run source destination

The above commands show the output result of the rsync job specified without performing the rsync job. It’s used in conjunction with the -v argument to show the result of the other options chosen in the rsync command-line execution. For example, the command below shows the verbose output of the job with additional options and filters without actually performing them.

rsync -av /var/opt/rsync-test/ /var/tmp/
created directory /Users/user4/temp/resources

sent 21 bytes  received 20 bytes  82.00 bytes/sec
total size is 0  speedup is 0.00

This is used to test complex filtration, permissions, or the nature of errors that might be unexpected in the rsync job.

Common Usage Profiles

Each of the following examples uses rsync with options and/or filters which can be further refined by the many possible combinations of options and filters. All uses of the rsync tool, simple or complex, can be tested before execution by adding the -n, or –dry-run option to view the results.

Local Backup To A Mounted Drive

A common rsync use is a user space backup to a mounted USB, Flash, or SSD that is attached to the user’s host.

user4@ournet~$ rsync -auvzh ~ /mnt/user4/MyUSBDrive/

The above command copies the ~ (/home/user4) directory recursively (-r is implied by -a), in an archive, using compression (-z), and shows the output in human-readable form (-h) to the destination drive /mnt/user4/MyUSBDrive in the root directory. The -u option skips a transfer of a file when the target destination (in this case, the mounted drive) has a filename that’s newer or the same as the file that would be copied from the ~ source directory.

To copy only the .mp3 files from the user’s directory, a rsync directive would look like the following:

user4@ournet~$ rsync -auvzh ––include “*.mp3” ~ /mnt/user4/MyUSBDrive

The –include option also has an analog argument available, –exclude. There are many additional arguments and regular expressions that can be used and are described in the Linux man pages.

Synchronize Directory Structures

The rsync tool can be used as a directory structure replicator for coding purposes, or for ensuring that target directory structures exactly mimic the source. Replications are often performed synchronizing to remote locations, and updates to IoT devices. The command below sends an archival treatment (ownership, time/date/etc) to the user4_data_host user at host into a sync_dir directory.

rsync -a --update --delete /home/user4

Remote Hosts

The rsync tool uses RSH or SSH as transports. Most implementations use SSH by default when moving files and directories between remote hosts. The -e argument allows a specific transport to be specified as the network path between hosts.

For example, the rsync command below invokes SSH using the target host’s port 2222 as its access point. The files in the /usr/bin source are sent with archive attributes, verbosely, with compression, and human-readable output to the destination on the target host.

rsync -avzh -e “ssh port=2222” /usr/bin user4@remotehost.something:/usr/bin

The rsync tool requires a login to the host immediately, and unless SSH credentials are synchronized between a source host and target host, rsync asks for a correct password, and halts immediately if the password is incorrect, and without an SSH failure message.

Distribute Data Sets

The rsync tool permits only one target or destination host per job. Using bash or another scripting tool allows multiple rsync jobs to be sent to the desired list of hosts. The syntax is dependent on the scripting language used. Care must be taken if a perfect synchronization is to be performed (a fully congruent data set sent to the list of hosts). The source data to be replicated must be either isolated or otherwise frozen until all jobs are completed, and all target or destination hosts are synchronized without error.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

Always Trial Run First

The rsync tool options can delete source files as well as target files if the wrong options are chosen. It is a best practice to always run a trial job before executing the actual job using the -n or –dry run options, then view the output. The -logfile option can log a rsync job in several levels of depth. Running a trial and looking at the results carefully finds bugs in the syntax that could be fatal or have unexpected/undesired results.

Inter-Operating System Issues

The -a archive option of rsync captures and transfers a wide variety of metadata about files, folders, devices, and other file objects. The metadata information, including ownership, groups, and other information may, or may not, transfer between different operating systems and their versions. For example, file ownership and other information may not be transferred in the archive created during a rsync job between FreeBSD and Linux operating systems.

Sender/Recipient Permissions

Any script invocation must also have the desired user permissions. This requires the use of the sudo command to have the permissions necessary to both read source and source metadata, and also write files/directories/metadata at the target host. Both the user at source and the user at destination/target must have sufficient permission to perform the actions dictated by the rsync job.

Symbolic links are used as pointers to other places. When rsync encounters them, they are stored as a hard link by default. This makes the link restorable. If distributed to other systems, the chance of a hard link working within that system may, or may not, work for several reasons. The –munge option of rsync allows the link to become relative to the target system. The man page for rsync explains the implications, which must be explored if symlinks are to be transferred and re-used with rsync. Unlike other troubleshooting, the implication of replicated hard symbolic links must be explored, as symlinks may, or may not, work on the target system.

Additive Versus Synchronized Backup

The rsync tool can make additive backups/copies, where successively added source host file objects are added iteratively to the target or replaced them. The source accumulates files that have been deleted on the source host. These accumulated files may, over time become clogged with files that no longer exist on the host source.

The –delete option permits the deletion of files not found on the source host so that the destination/target host isn’t clogged with files that no longer exist. When using the -delete option, using -n or –dry-run option is strongly suggested to ensure that needed files on the destination/target host are not deleted.


The rsync tool uses similar syntax as the rcp tool but, rsync has a wide variety of options. The power of rsync allows it to be used for local backup, backup to a remote host, or the synchronization of file structures in hosts. The synchronization feature can be used to remotely seed hosts with file structures, as a replication of infrastructure in the target/synchronized host.

The use of rsync should be performed after a trial, as rsync is capable of deleting and altering the source host and/or target host. The backups that are performed can be placed in a shell script, and this shell script can be managed by other tools, such as cron/crontab for automation purposes.

More Information

You may wish to consult the following resources for additional information on this topic. While these are provided in the hope that they will be useful, please note that we cannot vouch for the accuracy or timeliness of externally hosted materials.

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