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Jitsi is a free, open source video conferencing and communication platform that provides a secure, stable, and free alternative to other popular video conferencing services. With Jitsi, you can use built-in features to limit meeting access with passwords or stream on YouTube so anyone can attend.

This guide walks through creating a scalable Jitsi Meet cluster using Ansible. The provided Ansible playbook creates an initial deployment that can then be scaled up or down as needed.

If you wish to deploy Jitsi automatically rather than manually, consider either our single-instance Jitsi Marketplace deployment or our Jitsi Cluster Marketplace deployment.

Architecture Diagram

  1. The manual deployment in this guide provisions a Jitsi cluster where the Jitsi Videobridges (JVB) are scalable components.

  2. Each JVB connects to the singular Jitsi Meet instance running XMPP via Prosody on port 5222.

  3. Jicofo (Jitsi Conference Focus) runs on the Jitsi meet instance and is configured to split load balanced traffic between each JVB instance.

  4. NGINX runs on the meet instance and serves client requests and communicate with internal Jitsi components.

Architecture Components

  • Jitsi Videobridge (JVB): An open source Selective Forwarding Unit (SFU) that runs up to thousands of video streams from a single server.

  • Jitsi Meet Instance: A Compute Instance running Prosody for XMPP protocol, Jicofo, and NGINX.

    • Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP): Standard open communication protocol. XMPP uses default ports 5222 and 5269.

    • Prosody: An XMPP server written in Lua. Uses port 5222 in this architecture.

    • Jitsi Conference Focus (Jicofo): Splits traffic between all JVBs and manages the media sessions for each participant. Directs traffic with Octo (a load balancing routing utility) using round robin protocol.

    • NGINX: The web server used in this architecture.

Prerequisites and Supported Distributions


The following software and components must be installed and configured on your local system in order for the playbooks in this guide to function:

Supported Deployment Distribution

  • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Clone the docs-cloud-projects Github Repository

In order to run the Jitsi deployment in this guide, the docs-cloud-projects Github repository must be cloned to your local machine. This includes all playbooks, configurations, and files for all project directories in the repository, including those needed to successfully deploy and scale the Jitsi cluster.

  1. Using git, clone the docs-cloud-projects repository. This clones the repository to the current working directory on your local machine:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the manual-jitsi-cluster directory within your local cloned repository:

    cd docs-cloud-projects/apps/manual-jitsi-cluster
  3. Confirm the manual-jitsi-cluster directory contents on your system:


    The following contents should be visible:

    ansible.cfg  collections.yml  group_vars  hosts  images  LICENSE  provision.yml  requirements.txt  resize.yml  roles  site.yml


  1. Using python, create a virtual environment with the virtualenv utility. This isolates dependencies from other packages on your system:

    python3 -m virtualenv env
    source env/bin/activate
    pip install -U pip
  2. Install all packages in the requirements.txt file. This includes Ansible collections and required Python packages:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
    ansible-galaxy collection install -r collections.yml
  3. Confirm Ansible is installed:

    ansible --version

    Sample output:

    ansible [core 2.13.13]
    python version = 3.12.4 (main, Jun 18 2024, 08:58:27) [Clang 15.0.0 (clang-1500.0.40.1)]
    jinja version = 3.1.4
    libyaml = True
    Upgrading the ansible-core package

    Some ansible-core package versions may contain older parameters. Should you experience any errors related to out-of-date or deprecated parameters, you can update the ansible-core version with the below command:

    python -m pip install --upgrade ansible-core


All secrets are encrypted with the Ansible Vault utility as a best practice.

  1. Export VAULT_PASSWORD, replacing MY_VAULT_PASSWORD with a password of your choosing. This password acts as a key for decrypting encrypted secrets. Save this password for future use:

  2. Encrypt a root password, sudo user password, and your Linode APIv4 token using the ansible-vault utility. Replace ROOT_PASSWORD with a root password, SUDO_PASSWORD with a sudo user password, and API_TOKEN with your Linode APIv4 token.

    The command below also assigns values to the variables root_password, sudo_password, and api_token for Ansible to reference later, as well as generates encrypted output:

    ansible-vault encrypt_string 'ROOT_PASSWORD' --name 'root_password'
    ansible-vault encrypt_string 'SUDO_PASSWORD' --name 'sudo_password'
    ansible-vault encrypt_string 'API_TOKEN' --name 'api_token'
    Use strong passwords
    When making root and sudo user passwords, it is a best practice to use a random password generator for security purposes. Save these passwords in a safe place for future reference.
  3. Copy the generated outputs for root_password, sudo_password, and api_token, and save them in the secret_vars file located in group_vars/jitsi/secret_vars. Sample output:

    root_password: !vault |
    sudo_password: !vault |
    api_token: !vault |
  4. Using a text editor, open and edit the Linode instance parameters in the group_vars/jitsi/vars file. Replace the values for the following variables with your preferred deployment specifications:

    • ssh_keys: Your SSH public key(s); replace the example keys with your own and remove any unused keys.
    • jitsi_type: Compute Instance type and plan for the Jitsi Meet instance
    • jvb_type: Compute Instance type and plan for each JVB instance
    • region: The data center region for the cluster
    • group and linode_tags (optional): Any groups or tags you wish to apply to your cluster’s instances for organizational purposes
    • soa_email_address: An SOA administrator email for DNS records
    • jvb_cluster_size: The number of JVB instances in the cluster deployment
    • sudo_username: A sudo username for each cluster instance
    • subdomain and subdomain (optional): If you have a FQDN, you can use these optional values to customize your Jitsi meet URL. If you choose to leave these blank, you can navigate to your Jitsi meet using the Jitsi meet instance’s default rDNS value once the cluster is provisioned. See our guide on Managing IP Addresses for how to find an instance’s rDNS value.
    File: group_vars/jitsi/vars
        - ssh-ed25519: YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY
        - ssh-rsa: YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY
    jitsi_prefix: jitsi
    jitsi_type: g6-dedicated-2
    jvb_prefix: jvb
    jvb_type: g6-dedicated-2
    region: us-southeast
    image: linode/ubuntu22.04
    jitsi_cluster_size: 1
    # jvb_cluster_size: 2
    sudo_username: SUDO_USERNAME
    # domain vars
    # subdomain: YOUR_SUBDOMAIN
    # domain: YOUR_FQDN

    The jvb_cluster_size variable dynamically scales the cluster size. This variable determines how many Jitsi Videobridge instances are created in the initial deployment. This variable can be left commented out along with the subdomain and domain variables. These values are passed along using the ansible-playbook CLI during cluster provisioning.

    See Linode API: List Types for information on Linode API parameters.

Provision Your Cluster

  1. Using the ansible-playbook utility, run the provision.yml playbook with verbose options to keep track of the deployment process. This creates Linode instances and dynamically writes the Ansible inventory to the hosts file. The playbook is complete when SSH is available on all deployed instances.

    The command below uses the jvb_cluster_size variable to define the number of Jitsi Videobridge instances deployed in the cluster. Replace 2 with the number of instances you wish to include in your deployment. Replace YOUR_SUBDOMAIN and YOUR_FQDN with your subdomain and FQDN:

    ansible-playbook -vvv provision.yml --extra-vars "jvb_cluster_size=2 subdomain=YOUR_SUBDOMAIN domain=YOUR_FQDN"

    If you are not using your own domain and wish to use the Jitsi meet instance’s default rDNS value, remove the subdomain and domain variables from the command:

    ansible-playbook -vvv provision.yml --extra-vars "jvb_cluster_size=2"
  2. Run the site.yml playbook with the hosts inventory file. This playbook configures and installs all required dependencies in the cluster.

    ansible-playbook -vvv -i hosts site.yml --extra-vars "jvb_cluster_size=2 subdomain=YOUR_SUBDOMAIN domain=YOUR_FQDN"

    Likewise, if you are not using your own domain, remove the subdomain and domain variables:

    ansible-playbook -vvv -i hosts site.yml --extra-vars "jvb_cluster_size=2"
  3. Once installation completes, visit the Jitsi meet application using your custom domain or the rDNS entry written to the group_vars/jitsi/vars file represented by the default_dns variable.

    • Example custom domain: https://YOUR_SUBDOMAIN.YOUR_FQDN

    • Example rDNS entry:

Scaling options

Depending on your needs, you may wish to scale your Jitsi cluster up or down. To do this, use the jvb_cluster_size variable to manually add or remove JVB instances from the Jitsi cluster. Scaling your cluster up or down uses the same ansible-playbook command as when initially provisioning the cluster.

Horizontal Up Scaling

To scale up your cluster size, use the ansible-playbook command and the provision.yml playbook with the new total number of JVB instances you want in the cluster. For example, if your initial cluster started with 2 instances and you would like to add 2 additional instances, edit the jvb_cluster_size variable to read 4:

ansible-playbook -vvv provision.yml --extra-vars "jvb_cluster_size=4 subdomain=YOUR_SUBDOMAIN domain=YOUR_FQDN"
ansible-playbook -vvv -i hosts site.yml --extra-vars "jvb_cluster_size=4 subdomain=YOUR_SUBDOMAIN domain=YOUR_FQDN"

Once again, if you are not using a custom domain, remove the subdomain and domain variables from the above command:

ansible-playbook -vvv provision.yml --extra-vars "jvb_cluster_size=4"
ansible-playbook -vvv -i hosts site.yml --extra-vars "jvb_cluster_size=4"

Down Scaling

Down scaling your cluster works similarly to scaling up. To scale down your cluster size, use the ansible-playbook command with the resize.yml playbook and the new number of JVB instances you wish to be in the cluster. For example, if your cluster has 4 instances and you would like scale down to 2 instances, edit the jvb_cluster_size variable to read 2.

Note that the resize.yml playbook does not require a defined subdomain or domain:

ansible-playbook -vvv resize.yml --extra-vars "jvb_cluster_size=2"
ansible-playbook -vvv -i hosts site.yml --extra-vars "jvb_cluster_size=2 subdomain=YOUR_SUBDOMAIN domain=YOUR_FQDN"

If you are not using your own domain, remove the subdomain and domain variables from the second command above:

ansible-playbook -vvv resize.yml --extra-vars "jvb_cluster_size=2"
ansible-playbook -vvv -i hosts site.yml --extra-vars "jvb_cluster_size=2"

Benchmarking Your Cluster With WebRTC Perf

webrtcperf is an open source utility used to evaluate the performance and quality for WebRTC-based services. To benchmark your Jitsi cluster’s performance, WebRTC Perf can run from a Docker container. Note that Docker must be loaded and configured prior to running the below docker run command.

Replace with the domain or URL of your Jitsi meet instance (see: Provision Your Cluster), and replace ROOM_NAME with your meeting room name.

Edit the sessions and tabs-per-session values depending on the desired benchmarking criteria:

docker run -it --rm \
    -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm \ \
    --url="" \
    --show-page-log=false \
    --sessions=6 \

Press q to stop the WebRTC Perf benchmarking test.

More Information

You may wish to consult the following resources for additional information on this topic. While these are provided in the hope that they will be useful, please note that we cannot vouch for the accuracy or timeliness of externally hosted materials.

This page was originally published on

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