An Introduction to HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL)

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The HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) is a configuration language authored by HashiCorp. HCL is used with HashiCorp’s cloud infrastructure automation tools, such as Terraform. The language was created with the goal of being both human and machine friendly. It is JSON compatible, which means it is interoperable with other systems outside of the Terraform product line.

This guide provides an introduction to HCL syntax, some commonly used HCL terminology, and how it works with Terraform.

Terraform’s Linode Provider has been updated and now requires Terraform version 0.12 or later. To learn how to safely upgrade to Terraform version 0.12 or later, see Terraform’s official documentation. View Terraform v0.12’s changelog for a full list of new features and version incompatibility notes. The examples in this guide were written to be compatible with Terraform version 0.11 and will be updated in the near future.

HCL Syntax Overview

HCL’s configuration syntax is easy to read and write. It was created to have a more clearly visible and defined structure when compared to other well-known configuration languages, such as YAML.

File: ~/terraform/
# Linode provider block. Installs Linode plugin.
terraform {
  required_providers {
    linode = {
      source = "linode/linode"
      version = "1.16.0"
provider "linode" {
    token = "${var.token}"

variable "region" {
  description = "This is the location where the Linode instance is deployed."

/* A multi
   line comment. */
resource "linode_instance" "example_linode" {
    image = "linode/ubuntu18.04"
    label = "example-linode"
    region = "${var.region}"
    type = "g6-standard-1"
    authorized_keys = [ "my-key" ]
    root_pass = "example-password"
You should not include sensitive data in the resource declarations. For more information about secrets management, see Secrets Management with Terraform.

Key Elements of HCL

  • HCL syntax comprises stanzas or blocks that define a variety of configurations available to Terraform. Provider plugins gives more details about the available base Terraform configurations.

  • Stanzas or blocks are comprised of key = value pairs. Terraform accepts values of type string, number, boolean, map, and list.

  • Single line comments start with #, while multi-line comments use an opening /* and a closing */.

  • Interpolation syntax can be used to reference values stored outside of a configuration block in an input variable, or from a Terraform module’s output.

    An interpolated variable reference is constructed with the "${var.region}" syntax. This example references a variable named region, which is prefixed by var.. The opening ${ and closing } indicates the start of interpolation syntax.

  • You can include multi-line strings by using an opening <<EOF, followed by a closing EOF on the line.

  • Strings are wrapped in double quotes.

  • Lists of primitive types (string, number, and boolean) are wrapped in square brackets: ["Andy", "Leslie", "Nate", "Angel", "Chris"].

  • Maps use curly braces {} and colons :, for example: { "password" : "my_password", "db_name" : "wordpress" }.

See Terraform’s Configuration Syntax documentation for more details.

Terraform Providers and HCL Syntax

In Terraform, a provider is used to interact with an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) or Platform as a Service (PaaS) API, like the Linode APIv4. The provider determines which resources are exposed and available to create, read, update, and delete. A credentials set or token is usually required to interface with the service account. For example, the Linode Terraform provider requires your Linode API access token. A list of all official Terraform providers is available from HashiCorp.

To configure Linode as the provider, you need to include a block which specifies Linode as the provider and sets your Linode API token in one of the .tf files:

File: ~/terraform/
provider "linode" {
    token = "my-token"

After you declare the provider, you can configure resources available from the provider.

Providers are packaged as plugins for Terraform. Whenever you declare a new provider in the Terraform configuration files, run the terraform init command. This command completes several initialization steps that are necessary before you can apply the Terraform configuration, including downloading the plugins for any providers you’ve specified.

Terraform Resources and HCL Syntax

A Terraform resource is any component of the infrastructure that can be managed by the provider. Resources available with the Linode provider range from a Linode instance, to a block storage volume, to a DNS record. Terraform’s Linode Provider documentation contains a full listing of all supported resources.

Resources are declared with a resource block in a .tf configuration file. This example block deploys a 2GB Linode instance located in the US East data center from an Ubuntu 18.04 image. Values are also provided for the Linode’s label, public SSH key, and root password:

File: ~/terraform/
resource "linode_instance" "WordPress" {
    image = "linode/ubuntu18.04"
    label = "WPServer"
    region = "us-east"
    type = "g6-standard-1"
    authorized_keys = [ "example-key" ]
    root_pass = "example-root-pass"

HCL-specific meta-parameters are available to all resources and are independent of the provider. Meta-parameters allow you to customize the lifecycle behavior of the resource, define the number of resources to create, or protect certain resources from being destroyed. See Terraform’s Resource Configuration documentation for more information on meta-parameters.

Terraform Modules and HCL Syntax

A module is an encapsulated set of Terraform configurations used to organize the creation of resources in reusable configurations.

The Terraform Module Registry is a repository of community modules that can help you get started creating resources for various providers. You can also create your own modules to better organize the Terraform configurations and make them available for reuse. After you have created the modules, you can distribute them through a remote version control repository, such as GitHub.

Using Modules

A module block instructs Terraform to create an instance of a module. This block instantiates any resources defined within that module.

The only universally required configuration for all module blocks is the source parameter which indicates the location of the module’s source code. All other required configurations vary from module to module. If you are using a local module you can use a relative path as the source value. The source path for a Terraform Module Registry module are available on the module’s registry page.

This example creates an instance of a module named linode-module-example and provides a relative path as the location of the module’s source code:

File: ~/terraform/
module "linode-module-example" {
    source = "/modules/linode-module-example"

Authoring modules involves defining resource requirements and parameterizing configurations using input variables, variable files, and outputs. To learn how to write Terraform modules, see Create a Terraform Module.

Input Variables

You can define input variables to serve as Terraform configuration parameters. By convention, input variables are normally defined within a file named Terraform loads all files ending in .tf, so you can also define variables in files with other names.

  • Terraform accepts variables of type string, number, boolean, map, and list. If a variable type is not explicitly defined, Terraform defaults to type = “string”.

  • It is a good practice to provide a meaningful description for all input variables.

  • If a variable does not contain a default value, or if you want to override a variable’s default value, you must provide a value as an environment variable or within a variable values file.

Variable Declaration Example

File: ~/terraform/
variable "token" {
  description = "This is your Linode APIv4 Token."

variable "region" {
    description = "This is the location where the Linode instance is deployed."
    default     = "us-east"

Two input variables named token and region are defined, respectively. The region variable defines a default value. Both variables default to type = “string”, because a type is not explicitly declared.

Supplying Variable Values

Variable values can be specified in .tfvars files. These files use the same syntax as Terraform configuration files:

File: ~/terraform/terraform.tfvars
token = "my-token"
region = "us-west"

Terraform automatically loads values from filenames which match terraform.tfvars or *.auto.tfvars. If you store values in a file with another name, you need to specify that file with the -var-file option when running terraform apply. The -var-file option can be invoked multiple times:

terraform apply \
-var-file="variable-values-1.tfvars" \

Values can also be specified in environment variables when running terraform apply. The name of the variable should be prefixed with TF_VAR_:

TF_VAR_token=my-token-value TF_VAR_region=us-west terraform apply
Environment variables can only assign values to variables of type = "string"

Referencing Variables

You can call existing input variables in the configuration file using Terraform’s interpolation syntax. Observe the value of the region parameter:

File: ~/terraform/
resource "linode_instance" "WordPress" {
    image = "linode/ubuntu18.04"
    label = "WPServer"
    region = "${var.region}"
    type = "g6-standard-1"
    authorized_keys = [ "example-key" ]
    root_pass = "example-root-pass"
If a variable value is not provided in any of the ways discussed above, and the variable is called in a resource configuration, Terraform prompts you for the value when you run terraform apply.

For more information on variables, see Terraform’s Input Variables documentation.


HCL supports the interpolation of values. Interpolations are wrapped in an opening ${ and a closing }. Input variable names are prefixed with var.:

File: ~/terraform/
provider "linode" {
    token = "${var.token}"

Interpolation syntax is powerful and enables you to reference attributes of other resources, call built-in functions, and use conditionals and templates.

The configuration of this resource uses a conditional to provide a value for the tags parameter:

File: ~/terraform/
resource "linode_instance" "web" {
    tags = ["${var.env == "production" ? var.prod_subnet : var.dev_subnet}"]

If the env variable has the value production, then the prod_subnet variable is used. If not, then the variable dev_subent is used.


Terraform has built-in computational functions that perform a variety of operations, including reading files, concatenating lists, encrypting or creating a checksum of an object, and searching and replacing.

File: ~/terraform/
resource "linode_sshkey" "main_key" {
    label = "foo"
    ssh_key = "${chomp(file("~/.ssh/"))}"

In this example, ssh_key = "${chomp(file("~/.ssh/"))}" uses Terraform’s built-in function file() to provide a local file path to the public SSH key’s location. The chomp() function removes trailing new lines from the SSH key. Observe that the nested functions are wrapped in opening ${ and closing } to indicate that the value should be interpolated.


When you run terraform console creates an environment where you can test interpolation functions. For example:

terraform console
> list("newark", "atlanta", "dallas")

Terraform’s official documentation includes a complete list of supported built-in functions.


Templates can be used to store large strings of data. The template provider exposes the data sources for other Terraform resources or outputs to consume. The data source can be a file or an inline template.

The data source can use Terraform’s standard interpolation syntax for variables. The template is then rendered with variable values that you provide in the data block.

This example template resource substitutes in the value from “${linode_instance.web.ip_address}” wherever “${web_ip}” appears inside the template file ips.json:

data "template_file" "web" {
    template = "${file("${path.module}/ips.json")}"

    vars {
        web_ip = "${linode_instance.web.ip_address}"

You can then define an output variable to view the rendered template when you run terraform apply:

output "ip" {
  value = "${data.template_file.web.rendered}"

Terraform’s official documentation has a list of all available components of interpolation syntax.

Next Steps in Terraform

Now that you are familiar with HCL, you can begin creating a Linode instance with Terraform by following the Use Terraform to Provision Linode Environments guide.

More Information

You may wish to consult the following resources for additional information on this topic. While these are provided in the hope that they will be useful, please note that we cannot vouch for the accuracy or timeliness of externally hosted materials.

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