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Developers use Node.js to perform many tasks. It’s used to install other applications, run server-side code, and execute JavaScript for user environments such as web applications. This guide shows you how to install Node.js on Ubuntu 22.04.
Node.js is a cross-platform runtime environment for server-side JavaScript applications. Node.js uses the V8 JavaScript engine and is very popular. It is regularly updated for security and improvements, and should be kept updated on your systems.
The Node Package Manager (NPM) is the most widely-used package manager for JavaScript projects and includes Node.js by default. This guide walks you through installing NPM and getting started using it on your Linux system.
Yarn is a Node.js package manager used to handle JavaScript project dependencies. It was originally developed to be a more performant alternative to the Node Package Manager (NPM). This guide discusses the differences between Yarn and NPM and shows you how to get started using it.
Twitter bots are a great way to practice using an API and develop some coding skills along the way. You can usually get the bot going for under 100 lines of code, so it’s especially good for beginners. This tutorial shows how to make a Twitter bot that tweets a link to a video game soundtrack once a week (pulled randomly from an array of YouTube links). It also responds to other Twitter users who ask for a link with a random link from the same array.
The Node Version Manager (NVM) is an open source version manager for Node.js (Node). NVM is easy to understand and works on any POSIX-compliant shell (e.g. sh or bash). NVM allows you to easily install and manage different versions of Node and switch between them on a per-shell basis. This guide describes how to install NVM, and how to use it to install and run different versions of Node.
Node.js is an open-source JavaScript runtime environment that can serve dynamic and responsive content and is often used to create and serve web applications. When serving Node.js applications, NGINX is commonly used to create a reverse proxy that points at a running Node.js server. In this guide, you will install and configure NGINX on a CentOS 8 Linode. NGINX will handle requests to static files, like index.html and also, create a reverse proxy to a Node.js server. You will then create a test JavaScript file in order to test your running Node.js server.
Node.js is an open-source JavaScript runtime environment that can serve dynamic and responsive content and is often used to create and serve web applications. When serving Node.js applications, NGINX is commonly used to create a reverse proxy that points at a running Node.js server. In this guide, you will install and configure NGINX on a Debian 10 Linode. NGINX will handle requests to static files, like index.html and also, create a reverse proxy to a Node.js server. You will then create a test JavaScript file in order to test your running Node.js server.
Node.js is an open-source JavaScript runtime environment that can serve dynamic and responsive content and is often used to create and serve web applications. When serving Node.js applications, NGINX is commonly used to create a reverse proxy that points at a running Node.js server. In this guide, you will install and configure NGINX on an Ubuntu 18.04 Linode. NGINX will handle requests to static files, like index.html and also, create a reverse proxy to a Node.js server. You will then create a test JavaScript file in order to test your running Node.js server.
Selenium is a browser automation library with bindings for most common programming languages. It is most often used for testing web applications, but can also be used to automate any task that a web browser can perform. In contrast to similar tools such as Nightmare.js, Selenium can run tasks or tests on any version of any major browser. This can make it more complicated to get running, but allows you to test your application’s behavior on exactly the platforms that users are likely to need.
Node.js is a cross-platform runtime environment for server-side JavaScript applications. Node.js uses V8, Google’s JavaScript engine, which is also found in Chromium and Chrome. Depending on the use case, Node.js can supplement or replace traditional web servers and tools such as Apache, nginx, or PHP.
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