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BlogLinodeRails Rumble

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Linode.com ist stolz darauf, die erste jährliche Rails Rumble Meisterschaft zu sponsern!

Der Wettbewerb ist offiziell für den 8. und 9. September angesetzt. Stellen Sie Ihr Team zusammen und gehen Sie auf die Website, um sich anzumelden.

[Das Konzept ist einfach: Sie haben 48 Stunden Zeit, um eine Webanwendung von Grund auf zu entwerfen, zu entwickeln und einzusetzen. Nach Ablauf dieser 48 Stunden werden Sie von der Community in einer Reihe von Kategorien durch ein Peer-Ranking bewertet (weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Regeln). Nach etwa einer Woche des kontrollierten Chaos wird die Bewertung abgeschlossen und der Staub legt sich. Dann werden die Gewinner erklärt und mit tollen Preisen belohnt. Wir werden die Preise in Kürze bekannt geben[/quote].

Kommentare (9)

  1. Author Photo

    The web site strikes me as being *too* official, in the "protests too much" vein of thinking ([url=http://www.goenglish.com/ProtestTooMuch.asp]idiom ref[/url]), as if it’s not _really_ official somehow. That might scare away potential participants.


    Officially Announced
    August 10th, 2007

    As of right now the site is officially live and the competition is officially announced. And we’re officially hopeful that you’re as pumped up about it as we are.

  2. Author Photo

    [url=http://railsrumble.com/register]Registration[/url] for the Rails Rumble will be opening on Monday, August 27th at 2pm EST. Registration will be limited to 90 teams.

    Also, the [url=http://railsrumble.com/prizes]prizes[/url] have been announced (wow!)

    Linode’s contributions:

    Best Overall: Linode 1024 (Annual)
    2nd Place Overall: Linode 512 (Annual)
    3rd Place Overall: Linode 384 (Annual)

    Best Solo: Linode 256 (Annual)
    Best UI: Linode 256 (Annual)
    Most Complete: Linode 256 (Annual)
    Most Original: Linode 256 (Annual)
    Most Practical: Linode 256 (Annual)

  3. Author Photo

    Not many spots left if you were planning on participating:


    [quote]There are currently 134 of 150 spots taken.[/quote]

  4. Author Photo

    [url=http://railsrumble.com/2007/9/5/championship-belt]They weren’t kidding[/url] — you know you want it . . .


  5. Author Photo

    The Rumble has started!

    If you’d like to check out all of the cool, new apps being created, you can [url=http://vote.railsrumble.com/judges/new]register[/url] to be a judge.

    Judging will begin on Wednesday, September 12th.

  6. Author Photo

    Vote for your favorite:


    Who will be wearing the belt at the end of the month?

  7. Author Photo
  8. Author Photo

    I just watched many of the screencasts (working on the rest). There are a lot of cool projects there. Impressive that they were done in 48 hours! (The guy in the Pagestackr one has a cool accent.)

    Is there a particular reason it’s restricted to Ruby on Rails? Is it just that you think it couldn’t be done in Perl? 🙂

  9. Author Photo

    We did not organize the Rumble — we sponsored it. This time around they focused on ruby and what can be done with it in 48 hours.

    Rumor has it that the next Rumble may be more "startup incubator" focused and not be language restricted.


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