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Linode Toronto Data Center jetzt verfügbar


Wir freuen uns, die Eröffnung unseres neuesten Rechenzentrums in Toronto, Kanada, bekannt geben zu können. Linode Toronto ist unser zehntes globales Rechenzentrum und wird es unseren kanadischen Kunden ermöglichen, Cloudworkloads auf kanadischem Boden bereitzustellen.

Rund ein Drittel der kanadischen Entwicklergemeinde nennt Toronto ihr Zuhause, was es zu einem natürlichen Ziel für unseren neuesten Rechenzentrumsstandort und die Zehntausende von kanadischen Kunden macht. Toronto bietet alle Linode-Funktionen und -Services, die es so oder ähnlich auch in unseren anderen Rechenzentren gibt, zu den üblichen Preisen von Linode. Darüber hinaus wurde es mit unseren neuesten Server-Builds erstellt und ist mit unserem globalen Backbone verbunden.

Linode Toronto erfüllt die Anforderungen an die Daten-Compliance entsprechend dem Canadian Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act ("PIPEDA") und der Anti-Spam Legislation ("CASL"). Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unserer Dokumentation zu Compliance, Nutzungsbedingungen und Datenschutz.

Kunden mit Linoden in anderen Rechenzentren, die nach Toronto umziehen möchten, können sie in die neue Anlage klonen. Wir empfehlen die Cloning-Methode, da Sie Ihre Dienste unter einer neuen IP-Adresse bereitstellen können, bevor Sie Ihre DNS-Einträge ändern. Alternativ können Sie auch ein Support-Ticket öffnen, wir konfigurieren dann die Migration für Sie. Für neue Linoden wählen Sie einfach "Toronto" als Standort, wenn Sie Ihre Cloud-Instanz erstellen.

Und nur für den Fall, dass Sie es verpasst haben: Wir haben kürzlich Tarife mit dedizierter CPU für CPU-intensive Workloads wie CI/CD, Videokodierung, maschinelles Lernen, Spieleserver und ausgelastete Anwendungsserver angekündigt. Achten Sie auf weitere Neuigkeiten zu unseren kommenden Rechenzentren in Indien und Sydney, zu Objektspeicher, Linode Kubernetes, One-Click-Apps u. v. m.

Kommentare (25)

  1. Author Photo

    First off: Congratulations to you on finally stepping foot on Canadian soils!

    Question for the staff: Following this announcement, will Linode start to charge Canadian sales tax to Canadians?

    • Author Photo

      Thanks, and great question. Right now we don’t have plans to charge Canadian GST. If that changes, we’ll be sure to announce it.

  2. Author Photo

    Is there any difference in AUP between USA based Linodes and those in Canada?

    • Author Photo

      Hi William: There’s no difference since our AUP is the same across all Linodes, regardless of location.

  3. Author Photo

    Sydney FTW

    Can’t wait!

  4. Author Photo

    Are there any plans for other Canadian locations? Toronto isn’t especially well connected from western Canada, although slightly better than what I’ve got right now. I’m debating whether it makes sense to move anything or wait longer?

    • Author Photo

      Hey Dave, thanks for your suggestion. There is nothing planned at the moment, though we’ve added your request for another location to our internal tracker.

  5. Author Photo

    About time !!

  6. Author Photo

    Thanks Linode 🙂 Many of our Canadian clients require their hosting to be physically located in Canada. We will definitely try moving servers to Linode in Toronto.

    I suggest a second data center in Canada, but in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Toronto is great 🙂 But for people located on or around the west coast of Canada, there is to much latency (too slow) with data centers located in Toronto 🙁 Because it is 2,500+ miles/4,000+ km away.

  7. Author Photo

    The pleasure is ours! I’ve added your suggestion for a data center in Vancouver to our internal idea tracker. If you need a hand with moving any of your current Linodes to Toronto, open up a ticket and we’ll be happy to help.

  8. Author Photo

    Congratulations for the new opening. It would be nice if one day you make a virtual visit through your data centers. it would be very interesting

  9. Author Photo
    Emmanuel Botnation

    Great! I hope the next one will be in France, Linode has a big community in Paris. We hope that the stickers and t-shirts will, one day, come to us 😉

  10. Author Photo

    great, welcome to canada

  11. Author Photo

    hope to have the Linode Cloud of hk,I leave linode long time when the JP1 can’t get it

  12. Author Photo

    My website physically located at Linode server in California , and users have access to the website through Cloudflare. If I move website to Toronto, will it improve/impair latency for users in Vancouver and Toronto areas?

  13. Author Photo

    Just moved from NJ to Toronto. Cloning worked flawlessly. You guys rock!

  14. Author Photo

    O Canada! Glad to see Linode coming closer to home. Another +1 for a Vancouver data centre, but one thing at a time.

    Checking relative speed from here in Vancouver using Linode’s speedtest servers/files

    Shaw 600Mb/s Cable Home connection
    Fremont: Ping 33.7ms, 56MB/s
    Toronto: Ping 60.4ms, 34MB/s

    Telus 1000Mb/s Fibre Work connection:
    Fremont: Ping 27.9ms, 69MB/s
    Toronto: Ping 66.3ms, 25MB/s

  15. Author Photo

    Sydney! 🙂 And I thought that would never happen. Though I suppose it hasn’t, yet…

  16. Author Photo

    Can’t wait!!

  17. Author Photo
  18. Author Photo

    Definitely moving to Toronto.

    Echo the comments above. Toronto is great, Vancouver is better.

    Join Amazon, Apple, Microsoft and others in Vancouver!

  19. Author Photo

    Does Linode consider data in the new Toronto data center to be subject to the US Patriot Act?

    Besides having their data hosted in Canada, that’s what my Canadian customers care most about.

  20. Author Photo

    Good question @Scott Stockton…

    Linode staff, what are the chances that Toronto location gets AMD CPUs anytime soon? Also, there are some posts on your forum about Linode being a US company – and therefore US laws applying to its non-US servers. What is Linode’s stance on this?

  21. Author Photo

    Linode, you should add this to the rest of your webpages… Pretty obvious. I had to google “Linode Toronto” to see it actually existed. Also your speedtest page.

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