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Kali Linux in the Cloud | Take a Kali Instance with you Anywhere
2022Nov 14
Kali Linux is an open source, Debian-based Linux distribution that has become an industry-standard tool for penetration testing and security audits. Kali includes hundreds of free tools for reverse engineering, penetration testing and more. Chapters: 0:00 Introduction 0:30 What is Kali Linux? 1:39 Deploy Kali on Linode 4:00 Connect to Kali via VNC 6:40 Information Gathering with Kali 9:32 Conclusion New to Cloud Computing? Get started here with a $100 credit → Check out Kali Linux on the Linode Marketplace → Read the Kali docs for more information → Subscribe to get notified of new episodes as they come out → #Linode #Kalilinux #cybersecurity Product: Linode, Kali Linux, Cybersecurity; @TechHut ;

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