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In The Node Newsletter
June 2024
How One Customer Cut Cloud Storage
Costs by 90%
With over 1 million subscribers, our YouTube channel continues providing popular tutorials on cloud computing, the latest updates on our products, and more. Be sure to check out Austin Gil, our senior developer advocate, who shows you How One Customer Cut Cloud Storage Costs by 90%. You can also read about it here. In “Top Posts,” we highlight how other customers cut their cloud costs on Akamai Connected Cloud.
Featured Guides
Social networking, video conferencing, gaming, and sports broadcasting rely on live, low-latency video stream transcoding to efficiently distribute content in different formats for different platforms at a global scale. This overview illustrates a proven, live transcoding architecture for a live, geographically diverse streaming platform. To get started with this use case, log in or create an account today with $100 in credit (new customers only).
TrafficPeak is a ready-to-use, quickly deployable observability solution that works with DataStream to ingest, index, compress, store, and search high-volume, real-time log data with considerable cost savings. This guide demonstrates a proven TrafficPeak observability architecture for a high-traffic delivery platform. To get started with this use case, log in or create an account today with $100 in credit (new customers only).
Join our live workshop today with Justin Mitchel, a long-time teacher specializing in web-based software such as Python, JavaScript, Machine Learning, and DevOps. In this live course, Justin will guide you through setting up a highly available Nomad cluster using Terraform and Ansible. The course will include code and a walkthrough of key concepts, tools, and best practices to ensure your Nomad cluster is resilient, scalable, and easy to manage. Register here.
Transitioning to Linode Object Storage enabled one company to reduce storage costs by over 15 times and egress costs by 90% while maintaining robust global firmware distribution. This cost-effective solution ensured efficient and reliable OTA updates for millions of smart TVs worldwide. Log in or create an account today with $100 in credit (new customers only).
Set up a robust and scalable on-demand video transcoding service with Linode Kubernetes Engine and Capella to process MP4 to HLS. Log in or create an account today with $100 in credit (new customers only).
Read the June developer recap blog post to learn how to cut costs with Linode Object Storage, how to build a robust streaming service, and more.
Top Shared
Chetan Venkatesh of Macrometa discusses enterprises’ challenges and how PhotonIQ helps the biggest websites and SaaS providers enhance their sites’ and applications’ performance while improving scalability and privacy.
Tony Falco, VP of Product Marketing at Hydrolix, discusses the challenges organizations face in handling high-dimensional, high-cardinality log data and how Hydrolix’s partnership with Akamai aims to bridge the gap in existing solutions.
With HarperDB running on Akamai’s cloud computing platform, data becomes accessible anywhere in the world nearly instantaneously. The partnership has brought tremendous results for customers, delivering reductions in latency by as much as 100 milliseconds, 200% reductions in overall query speed, and, in one case, a staggering 70% reduction in costs.
New on YouTube
Check out some of our latest YouTube uploads, and make sure you subscribe to our channel for more tutorials and other content from Linode advocates and guest experts.

Until next time,
Team Linode (now part of Akamai)
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