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Apache Basics Tutorial | How To Install and Configure Apache2
2021May 19
Apache remains the most popular software for publishing websites on the Internet. This highly configurable, stable server is capable of handling the web serving needs of small and large sites alike. In this tutorial, we'll cover installing Apache2 from scratch, and go over some of the most common web server commands and configurations. Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 0:38 - Getting Started 1:08 - Connecting to Your Linode 1:33 - Updating the System 2:20 - Setting the hostname 5:03 - Installing Apache2 7:32 - Installing Modules 9:55 - Enable or Disable Modules 7:25 - Setting up External Storage 12:38 - Enable or Disable Sites 14:00 - Setting up a New Site 15:50 - Hosting Additional Sites 20:00 - Outro New to Cloud Computing? Get started here with a $100 credit → Read the docs for more Apache 2 tips→ Learn more about using Apache 2 → Subscribe to get notified of new episodes as they come out → #Linode #Apache2 #WebServer #AlternativeCloud Product: Linode, Apache2, Web Servers; Jay LaCroix;

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