How do I make a payment via PayPal?

Linode Staff

I don't have a credit card, and I want to use PayPal to pay for my Linode services.

2 Replies

While you can use PayPal to fund your Linode account, new customers still need to sign up using a valid debit or credit card.

Once your account is active, you can begin making payments via PayPal. To make a payment, you'll want to do the following:

  1. Log into the Linode Manager.
  2. Click the Account tab.
  3. Click the Make a Payment tab.

From there, you'll see an option that says "Make a Payment - via PayPal (beta)" Just enter the amount you want to pay and hit continue, and you'll be prompted for your PayPal information. If you run into any issues with that, just let our support team know! You can also find more information in our Billing and Payments guide.

Have you ever tried PayPal for worldwide transactions? It's the best online banking system with low transaction fees. Here is the Paypal Fee Calculator; it may help you calculate the transaction fees worldwide.


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