Debian 7: ndisc_router_discovery failed to add default route
I'm getting this error message in /var/log/kern.log every 5-30 seconds. I want to fix it.
"ICMPv6: RA: ndiscrouterdiscovery failed to add default route"
I did some web searches and found that there was a time when network-manager somehow conflicted with the kernel with regards to IPv6 routing. I checked to see if I had network-manager installed, but it wasn't. I configured everything statically.
So I figured I misconfigured my IPv6 address, but it looks right, too. Everything (/etc/resolv.conf, /etc/network/interfaces) matches the addresses in the Remote Access tab of Linode Manager. Furthermore, I can ping using ping6. So I have IPv6 connectivity.
I did find it odd that Linode manager specified my IPv6 gateway as fe08::1. That's not globally routable, right? At the same time, it still works, so…
I don't know what to look for next. Any tips?
1 Reply
ip -6 addr
ip -6 route
ip -6 neigh
sysctl net/ipv6/conf/eth0