
I would like to reduce costs and hibernate my VM when I'm not using it.

However I cannot think of a way to do that, as afaik we have no control on the kernel parameters, to set the "resume" partition or file.

Any suggestions?


7 Replies

Hibernating your Linode wouldn't save you any money anyway. You would need to delete your Linode in order to not be billed for it. You could use Linode Images (currently in beta) to store an image of your Linode when you don't need it.

You still pay for VMs that are shut down, so you can't really do this.

You would need to snapshot it and recover it when you need to use it.


Hibernating your Linode wouldn't save you any money anyway. You would need to delete your Linode in order to not be billed for it. You could use Linode Images (currently in beta) to store an image of your Linode when you don't need it.

A snapshot wouldn't work because it would be associated with the Backup Service; snapshots are purged when a Linode is cancelled. You can Imagize it as dwfreed suggested, though.



Hibernating your Linode wouldn't save you any money anyway. You would need to delete your Linode in order to not be billed for it. You could use Linode Images (currently in beta) to store an image of your Linode when you don't need it.

A snapshot wouldn't work because it would be associated with the Backup Service; snapshots are purged when a Linode is cancelled. You can Imagize it as dwfreed suggested, though.

That's what I meant. Wrong terminology.

Would the only way to reduce cost then be to size down, possibly using the API? (I only size up to get more ram/cores and I don't need the extra disk space)

I prefer the plan where you just delete it and then make a new one with your deployment/configuration management tools when you want it again. Nothing should exist on the server that you can't recreate easily and quickly via automation.

That said: https://forum.linode.com/viewtopic.php?t=11180

  • Les

@akeri my Linode box is my main and only workstation (I connect from a chromebook pixel), it has a big mess of files and the imaging may be the solution, I'm gonna have a look now.

Thanks all for the answers.


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