blank page on my website

Hello all,

Just curious: if I have Apache2 and Nginx running at the same time, will that cause issues on my web server?

Here's my output of the Netstat -plntu

tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2480/nginx

tcp6 0 0 :::8080 :::* LISTEN 2775/apache2

Also, my webpage is showing Blank Page :

Static Networking has been set up and DNS Manager shows no issues.


2 Replies

If they're listening on different ports, then yes, you can have Apache and Nginx running at the same time. You'd have to have a pretty weird setup for something like that to make sense, though. It's almost always better to with stick with one or the other.

Your website is returning an HTTP 500 ("Internal Server Error"). Check your Nginx error logs to see what the problem is.

You have nginx listening on IPv4 and apache2 listening on IPv6, you don't appear to have any IPv6 entries for your domain.


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