Using Putty the first time

I try to connect to my newly created (Ubuntu 16.04) Linode server with Putty, following the instructions here.

When I get to the message alerting me that the server’s SSH key fingerprint is new, I use Lish to log in to my Linode and use the commands given in the link above to query OpenSSH for my Linode’s SSH fingerprint, and the do not match. Putty says the ther fingerprint looks like this: “ssh-rsa 2048 5c:76:88…..:c4:3d”

Lish command “ssh-keygen -E md5 -lf /etc/ssh/” gives fingerprint

256 MD5:04:dc:cc:……:6c root@localhost (ED25519)

Lish command “ssh-keygen -lf /etc/ssh/” gives fingerprint

2048 SHA256:E2m1…..A/uE root@localhost (RSA)

What is wrong, and what should I do?

2 Replies


Out of curiosity, what encryption does PuTTY's connection attempt display when it attempts to connect? For example, does it say

"The server's ssh-ed25519 key fingerprint is"

Or does it say

"The server's ssh-ecdsa key fingerprint is"

It could be possible your PuTTY is checking a different public key file. You can see what public key files you have in your Linode by running the following command:

ls -a1 /etc/ssh/

You will want to match the file to the encryption your PuTTY is attempting to use, so for example if you see it's checking the ssh-ecdsa key, you will want to run the following command:

sudo ssh-keygen -lf /etc/ssh/

I hope this helps point you in the right direction!


Thank you for your answer. Problem is solved. I forgot the –E md5 parameter in the second command, so for my server the Lish command

ssh-keygen -E md5 -lf /etc/ssh/

gives the correct fingerprint.


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