SOLVED: StackScript save fails: "Duplicate [UDF] name found"

summary: on editing a current StackScript, hitting button='Save Changes' gives the message

Duplicate name found. A UDF's name must be unique

but there are no apparent duplicate UDFs in the new code.


I currently have a StackScript @ , which I have previously edited successfully. (I recently made that StackScript public, but if you can't see it, try … tackScript"> .) That StackScript is based on another script ( …"> ) which I recently updated. I'd like to keep the StackScript and its "parent" reasonably "in sync" for maintenance, so I tried to update the StackScript code to that currently saved … tackScript"> . However, my attempt to save the new code abended with error=

Duplicate name found. A UDF's name must be unique

However, if you examine the UDF block near top of … tackScript"> , I believe you can see that there are in fact no duplicate UDFs. Am I missing something?

If so, what? If not,

* how should I report this bug?

  • is there a workaround?

1 Reply


This is because the "linode*" namespace is reserved for a few built-in env variables that we provide from our end (like: linodeid). I have corrected the error message that you received to indicate this as such. Sorry for the inaccurate error message.

Linode_*, PATH, and TERM are restricted UDF names.



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