System hacked to send mass spam

Is there any easy way I can know how many emails are being sent each hour or so in Ubuntu using Postifx?

3 Replies

Thanks, that's good.

But by now I've configure to use :

And I'm extracting the message received using regular expression from this type of output. Is it OK to do?

> Grand Totals



651 received

551 delivered

0 forwarded

145 deferred (1406 deferrals)

63 bounced

1 rejected (0%)

0 reject warnings

0 held

0 discarded (0%)

2184k bytes received

2199k bytes delivered

10 senders

7 sending hosts/domains

88 recipients

14 recipient hosts/domains

use subs 'strict';
use POSIX qw(strftime);

use Net::SMTP;

sub email;

my $WORKAREA  = "/home/myaccount/scripts/pflogsumm-1.1.3";
my $TRACKFILE = "$WORKAREA/trackfile";
my @now       = localtime;

#open log file

if ( !open LOGFP, ">>$WORKAREA/check_postfix_emails_sent.log" ) {
    email("Failed: Unable to open the log file");

my $str = "Started running now :", strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime ),
print $str;
print LOGFP $str;

if ( !open FP,
    "/usr/bin/perl $WORKAREA/ -d today /var/log/mail.log|" )
    email("Failed: perl /var/log/mail.log|");

$/ = undef;

my $content = <fp>;

if ( $content =~ m/Grand Totals\s+------------\s+messages\s+(\d+)\s+received/s )
    my $messagesSent = $1;    #today's messages received

    print "Total messages sent till now =$messagesSent\n";

    if ( $messagesSent > 300 && $messagesSent < 800 ) {
            "Too many emails sent",
"Till now $messagesSent emails have been sent! Please check it immediately 7y782p3"
    if ( $messagesSent > 1100 ) {
            "Too many emails sent",
"Till now $messagesSent emails have been sent! Please check it immediately 7y782p3"
            "Postfix stopped",
"For safety postfix server has been stopped! .Till now $messagesSent emails have been sent! Please check it immediately 7y782p3"
        system("/usr/sbin/service postfix stop");

    if ( -f $TRACKFILE ) {

        #see if 7 days passed since changed time
        my $stats = stat($TRACKFILE)

          if ( time > $stats[9] + 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 ) {
            email( "All Success", "No problems found!" );
    else {

        #create the file
        open( TRACKFILE__, ">$TRACKFILE" );
        email( "All Success", "No problems found!" );    
    print "No problems found\n";


pflogsumm is an excellent script, but it doesn't readily distinguish between smtp deliveries and local deliveries (which includes inbound mail and user-to-user mail). Everything is included in 'Deliveries'.

My mail-count script look only for SMTP outbound messages. I think that's what we need to watch to detect possibile (outgoing) exploitation / spam abuse.


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