Split billing?

I am consider subscribing, but want to know if it is possible to split the $20 monthly fee and have it paid by 2 different paypal accounts - $10 each?

Is this possible?

6 Replies

My understanding is that this type of a transaction would cost Caker more money. (Each CC costs something, I have no idea what, but it does cost something.) So Caker would be losing out on money for no real reason, which doesn't work.

Bill Clinton

Also paypal direct is not accepted as a billing method.

Although I believe the paypal virtual credit card is accepted.


@Bill Clinton:

My understanding is that this type of a transaction would cost Caker more money. (Each CC costs something, I have no idea what, but it does cost something.) So Caker would be losing out on money for no real reason, which doesn't work.

Bill Clinton

Well, I want to split the monthly fee with a colleague and each of us pay half via CC since paypal is not accepted. It would be nice if Caker himself could chime in on this matter, since he is the only one who know for sure.


/me chimes

Split payments aren't supported by the billing system. You'll have to supply one card that get's charged, then one of you can owe the other half payment…



So one of you could pay for 3 mnths or so and then change the CC and the other pay


/me chimes

Split payments aren't supported by the billing system. You'll have to supply one card that get's charged, then one of you can owe the other half payment…



I just signed up a few minutes ago. We worked out the payment amongst ourselves. I am looking for so receiving setup instructions.


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