Network In Network Out question

What is the difference between Network In and Network Out? I am interested in the Linode 4GB, 4 Cores, 96 GB SSD, 4 TB 40 Gbps 500 Mbps. Are these folks saying I can get 500 Mbps download speeds for my website? Because when I ran their bin file to test, I was getting 2.4MB. What am I missing here?

500 Mbps is 59.6MB

2 Replies

"Network In" is how fast things can come to your Linode. "Network Out" is how fast they can go out of your Linode. They are caps, not guarantees: various protocols involve various amounts of overhead, are limited by other resources like CPU, or self-throttle, and routes over the internet will affect actual end-to-end speed.

  • Les

Thanks akerl…makes sense, just wanted to clarify it.


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