Question on NodeBalancers

1)What is the difference of Concurrency between NodeBalancers and non-NodeBalancers? I heard that with NodeBalancers, it can support up to 10,000 concurrent connections. What if I want to subscribe Linode 1024 plan (without NodeBalancers), how many concurrent connection does this plan support? Can it reach up to 1000 concurrent connections because I want to use Linode as a server hosting for my Multiplayer FPS Game.

2)Does NodeBalancers apply to all of the Linode servers (Dallas, Fremont, Atlanta, Newark, London, Tokyo). I mean, if I pay +20$ per month is that apply for all of these servers?

1 Reply


> 1)What is the difference of Concurrency between NodeBalancers and non-NodeBalancers? I heard that with NodeBalancers, it can support up to 10,000 concurrent connections. What if I want to subscribe Linode 1024 plan (without NodeBalancers), how many concurrent connection does this plan support? Can it reach up to 1000 concurrent connections because I want to use Linode as a server hosting for my Multiplayer FPS Game.

Although Node Balancers support 10,000 concurrent connections, your bottleneck is still going to be your Linode. For example, we recommend that you configure Apache to support 80 concurrent connections on a 1GB Linode[1]. This is not set in stone, but is the recommended baseline for optimization.

> 2)Does NodeBalancers apply to all of the Linode servers (Dallas, Fremont, Atlanta, Newark, London, Tokyo). I mean, if I pay +20$ per month is that apply for all of these servers?

NodeBalancers only work within the same data center. You would need a separate NodeBalancer in each data center.

[1] … linode-1gb">




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