Simple Postfix Email Forwarding

Hello! This is my first post after many back and forths with Linode support. I really hope someone can help me figure this one out–beer is on me if you do.

I setup postfix and followed the instructions on this page perfectly for simple email forwarding: … ng-debian/">

When I try to send an email to the address, I get a bounce with this response back:

550 MTA inaccessible for too long for domain

Linode suggested I change the inet_interfaces to all but that didn't change anything

If externally I do:

telnet 25 it gives a connection refused error

If I do telnet localhost 25 on the machine it connects fine

Does anyone have any suggestions/need information to help?



3 Replies


If externally I do: telnet 25 it gives a connection refused error

If I do telnet localhost 25 on the machine it connects fine
Did you set your firewall to allow all TCP25 traffic?

Try disabling your firewall (temporarily). If you can connect from the outside then the issue is your firewall.

BTW, make sure that "" actually points to your Linode.

mail.domain points to the Linode and iptables is empty on the server…



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