Cannot see why gmail is marking mail from my server as spam

Hi guys,

I have set up ubuntu 14.04 with iRedMail ( as a mail server and have set up all of the DNS records for sending email (I've included txt record combination spf/dkim in an attempt to ensure everything is correct).

I have sent three emails in total to my two Gmail accounts in order to see if they are marked as spam - and they are - even though the headers seem to indicate they shouldn't be. Here is a pastebin of an example email (I have changed all of the account details, ip addresses etc :

Google shows the mssage:
> Why is this message in Spam? It's similar to messages that were detected by our spam filters.

I have only created the DKIM record in Namecheap's DNS today, but clearly it's picked up by Google, so I don't think it's that. Although, if I run the command amavisd-new testkeys I get the message: => invalid (public key: not available)

Admittedly, my knowledge of mail servers is really not that great, hence my using iRedMail which I must admit has served me very well in the past.

If you need any further information to help diagnose, please let me know and I really appreciate any help!


edit: according to, having more than one spf record is bad, so I have now configured the record to just "v=spf1 -all"

edit 2: I have also edited /etc/hosts line from 123.456.789.100 to 123.456.789.100 because mail-tester said the "HELO" was Although if I do hostname -f it returns "" so I could only think it's the hosts file??

I fixed this by editing /etc/postfix/ and finding the line "myhostname = " and setting it to "" instead of ""

edit 3: OK .. so my score is now -3 because it is saying my DKIM is invalid, I followed this guide:, so I guess all I need to know is how do I correctly generate a DKIM?

I'll stop editing now..

1 Reply

i think its good you setup SPF and DKIM, for dkim google: how to setup dkim linux

also its good you setup FQDN (hostname) also make sure your server IP is pointed to this hostname (hostname domain must exist and in dns zone editor of the server where domain is hosted, you set an A record for this hostname to point to your server IP, so hostname properly resolve to the IP.


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