MySQL Backup solution

Hello everyone,

I'm using the Linode Backups to backup my files.

Would anyone have a recommendation for a similar solution for MySQL databases?

I have read that Linode Backups also backup my databases but there are warnings about transactions during backup. That said, it's extremely unlikely that my databases are going to updated during a backup, so do I really need a solution to automate the backup of my databases anyway?

I'd like to hear about how others deal with the automated backing up MySQL databases.

Many thanks

7 Replies

I use innobackupex + duplicity to copy to s3.

Do a mysqldump via cron BEFORE your backup is scheduled (allow enough lead time so that the dump can be accomplished before the backup starts), then your DB is just another file that gets backed up.


Do a mysqldump via cron BEFORE your backup is scheduled (allow enough lead time so that the dump can be accomplished before the backup starts), then your DB is just another file that gets backed up.

+1 for mysqldump. I do this as part of my backup script before duplicity sends it off to Amazon S3. Works great!

mysqldump works great for small databases, but for DBs over ~100GB it's too slow, even with SSDs. I use a combination of replication and Percona Xtrabackup (aka innobackupex) to take incremental snapshots without disrupting production. My Linode MySQL server replicates to a slave in the office over a VPN tunnel, then Xtrabackup runs once a day to incrementally backup the slave using the binlog.


I'd like to hear about how others deal with the automated backing up MySQL databases.

Many thanks

As the administrator of a big researching institute's network, I stick up for many years to Handy Backup, able to perform "hot" backup of MySQL databases (described here:, as well as other data by scheduling. We are have an account on Amazon S3, some NASes and specialized FTP exchanging server, and Handy Backup copies and replicates our data on all these media without any single problem.

Unfortunately, I can't say anything about the business model of this software; I heard it was shareware once, but on the product website I was found some price tags for different solutions.

Best regards!

I use Idera CDP backup hosted by a third-party provider (JonesSolutions) with the MySQL plugin (so databases get backed up and can be restored per table). It's well worth the cost and I highly recommend it.

I also used Idera CDP backup hosted with the MySQL plugin. It was good solution of your problem. But now I have been using more effective backup solution


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