Additional IP policies

I would like to know if Linode has any special conditions/requirements for providing additional IP addresses.

Are the following reasons acceptable for Linode to provide an additional IP?

* Additional IP for a HTTPS website

  • Separate IP for hosting a client's non-SSL website

  • Separate IP for setting up a TOR relay

  • Separate IP for CPanel's interface

I'm asking this because Rackspace provides them only for SSL and that too after proving that you have a SSL cert signed by a valid CA.

8 Replies

We allow additional IPv4 addresses to be purchased only for the first reason (HTTPS), we require verification after-the-fact that you've installed an SSL cert, and I recommend you use SNI where possible rather than using multiple IPs.

  • Les

> We allow additional IPv4 addresses to be purchased only for the first reason (HTTPS)

Maybe you should mention this on your documentation as it could be a deal breaker for some people.

What does one do if they want to run multiple web servers on a single VM?


What does one do if they want to run multiple web servers on a single VM?
Set up Nginx or HAProxy or whatever as a reverse proxy in front of everything else.

Or use IPv6. ;-)

Last I checked you can get one additional IP for ip failover.

> Last I checked you can get one additional IP for ip failover.

That would require creating an additional VM to provide justification. :-)


What does one do if they want to run multiple web servers on a single VM?
Do you mean web sites or web servers? We run quite a few sites on each of our Linodes (unless a client specifies they want a VPS all to themselves). If you want multiple web servers then mnordhoff hit the nail on the head.

> Do you mean web sites or web servers?

I meant web servers like Apache and Nginx. Yes I could use a reverse proxy like HAProxy but that complicates things when a control panel (like CPanel) is used.

@akerl: Is there a limit on the maximum number of IP addresses that can be assigned to a single VM?

Hi there,

Linodes can have up to 25 IPs with justification, not including private IPs or IPv6.

  • Jonathan


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