Samba on a Linode

I'd like to run samba on my linode (it's the easiest way for my end-user to get files uploaded, and I'm pretty confident I can secure it adequately).

Ports 137-139 are listed as blocked in the FAQ, but there is no mention of port 445. Still, it appears blocked from the outside world. I can run Samba on a different port, but how do I tell a windows 2000 box to use the alternate port for connecting to the SMB share?



2 Replies

I'm using a VPN to connect to my linode and talk to Samba. I just do this internally, not for external customers, but it may work for you. I think newer Windows versions have some built in VPN ability. I'm using OpenVPN, which is a type not built into windows, but there are windows client versions out there. I think Swan and Poptop (pptp or something) are the ones that will work on a linode and let windows clients connect without installing anything extra.

I don't know of a way to make windows clients connect using other samba ports, and I don't personally trust samba/windows enough to leave open ports on the internet.

Thanks. You're right, the VPN is the way to go… I'll look into these options…




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