Point a second domain name at the same website.


I have both a .com and a .net domain name. The main domain is the .com but I'd like anyone typing the .net name to reach the same website.

I have set up a second domain zone for the .net address and the A record is pointing to the server's ip.

I'm running apache on debian.

Would I need to create a second virtual host file that points to the .com public space to get this to work? I've tried but to no avail.

What's the best way to go about this?


2 Replies

Ah nevermind, Apache hadn't restarted correctly.

The only thing now is that I want the .net to forward/change to the .com when loaded.

What's the best way to do this? (Is there a better way than using an htaccess file?)

Thanks again :)

No need for a second virtual host; just add a ServerAlias directive to the existing virtual host


 <virtualhost *:80="">ServerName www.example.com
  ServerAlias www.example.net
  ServerAlias www.example.org</virtualhost> 


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