Req: Suggestions for most basic forwarding of emails

Would someone please suggest a most simple, beginner-friendly and light-weight method for forwarding a relatively few emails to gmail? I'm running Ubuntu 14 and I'm weak as an admin, though I've managed it for a while. I expect to receive fewer than 15 emails/week, all simple text, no multi-part, no html, no images or audio, no attachments.

I think Postfix provides way too much functionality for me. Is mailagent a worthwhile alternative? If so, can you give me a rundown of what I'll need to do to get it working, or, suggest a good tutorial? I read a fraction of the man page.


1 Reply

I just discovered Postfix and Dovecot are running on my server, unbeknownst to me. I didn't do anything. Thank you Linode. I guess. I still would like to hear your knowledgeable suggestions, thank you.

I see in mail.log reports of "Relay access denied". That means a port is not open, correct? What port? Can you tell me succinctly how to open it in ufw, what should the new allow rule consist of?



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