Noob - Making a secure Web Server and staying on top of it.

Hello All,

First of all, I love the idea of Linode but the managed service is quite expensive, $100 a month.

I am going to host my wordpress site on Linode maybe a maximum of 2 sites.

I have used StackScripts with some success.

I understand that you have to update all due to security, right?

So I have a few questions.

Which is the best StackScripts to use?

How easy is it to update: Mysql, PHP, Apache, and what ever OS?

What is the best practice to sure the server?

How much time should you send a week maintaining the back end of the server?

I am not a Linux expert.

I am making a site to help people learn for free, all help would be welcomed. You can PM if you would like to help or we can look for a mutual win win.

Thank you all.

5 Replies

Updating Linux is separate from updating your WP site(s).

  • updating your distro is easy, though there are different things to consider depending on which version of which distro you are running.

  • updating your WP site(s) is a combination of updating WP, updating any plugins that you're using, and using the WP security recommendations:

Linux will tell you if there are updates available. I'm pretty sure WP will let you know as well. You'll need to stay on top of your WP plugins.

@Main Street James:

Updating Linux is separate from updating your WP site(s).

  • updating your distro is easy, though there are different things to consider depending on which version of which distro you are running.

  • updating your WP site(s) is a combination of updating WP, updating any plugins that you're using, and using the WP security recommendations:

Linux will tell you if there are updates available. I'm pretty sure WP will let you know as well. You'll need to stay on top of your WP plugins.

Thanks Main Street James

I have no issue with the WP site and plugins.

I need more so of a best setup for linix and the best StackScripts.

Also how to update all the components, I assume php, mysql, apache, etc


The stack scripts are just a starting point. They install some of the more common Linux packages for you when you create the Linode. After that you are on your own regarding installing additional packages and updating (or removing) things.

How you update Linux, and what you update, depends on your Linux distro. Which version of which Linux distribution are you running?

@Main Street James:

The stack scripts are just a starting point. They install some of the more common Linux packages for you when you create the Linode. After that you are on your own regarding installing additional packages and updating (or removing) things.

How you update Linux, and what you update, depends on your Linux distro. Which version of which Linux distribution are you running?

At present I have used. WordPress (Latest 64 bit (3.15.4-x86_64-linode45)) Debian 7.5 Disk Image.

I have used: … =wordpress">

The first link.


PS. Is there a better one.

To keep everything you've installed on a Debian distribution up to date you would run the following two commands: $ apt-get update $ apt-get -y upgrade I am not familiar with Debian, so I'm not sure if blindly updating/upgrading everything is the way to go. But if you want everything to stay current then those two commands will do it.


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