Will we ever be able to add existing users to our account?

Something that has always bothered me, as I do a lot of contract work for others with Linode accounts, is that I have to have a separate additional account for each client. I'd really like for them to be able to add my existing account by username to have access to their account rather than making a new account.

2 Replies

You can create sub accounts that are managed. You can use your account to create managed accounts for specific Linodes or domains.

@John Henry Eden:

You can create sub accounts that are managed. You can use your account to create managed accounts for specific Linodes or domains.

Yeah but that sucks because each account has to have a unique username/password then we have to set up 2fa again etc etc. If an account owner could just enter our username in a box with a list of permissions it'd make my life easier.


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