CMS messages blocked and then dispatched in batches

Hi all,

This question is very general, but I am new to Linode and VPS, I have a big issue and am not sure how to start troubleshooting it. Any idea on where to look for an answer would be most welcome!

I am having a problem with my server: I installed a CMS on it (WeiPHP for WeChat). Basically the CMS is used as an "automatic answers" system. The user sends keywords via mobile and the CMS sends text and pictures.

I have been using this CMS for months on another server (shared hosting) without any issue.

Since switching to Linode I sometimes face the following issue: the CMS stops answering any of my messages. After a while of troubleshooting (usually involving various back-ups and deleting stuff here and there) I manage to get it to work and receive all the messages in a batch. The messages actually arrive usually spaced each around 1 minute after it starts working again, until all of them were sent. Once I received all the delayed messages the system starts working normally again for a while.

In other words, if I sent a keyword 100 times while it wasn't working, I will receive the answer to this keyword 100 times after the problem is "fixed".

I tried it on a clean install of the CMS and the problem sometimes arises too, so I am pretty sure it is a problem with the server or its configuration.

Would anybody have any idea on how to go about fixing that?

Thanks a lot,


1 Reply

Does it generate logs? Logs would be helpful.


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