Postfix & Dovecot setup, emails are being marked as spam


I have a Linode instance and I was able to successfully configure a personal mail server using Postfix and Dovecot and I can send and receive emails without any problem.

I configured my email address on my Android smartphone and I'm able to send emails to GMail accounts without being marked as spam, but I noticed that when I try to send them using Orbot (a TOR client), my emails start to get marked as spam.

I tried to investigate the issue and I used to see what's going on.

If I use mail-tester without TOR, I can get a 10/10 perfect score but I if use TOR the following is reported through their SpamAssassin tool:

> -1.246 ; RCVDINBLSPAMCOPNET ; Received via a relay in

I am not sure how to interpret this. Is this a problem with the email client or with the email server?

1 Reply

To (roughly) paraphrase a movie from my teenage years, just after mom finds out that dad threw away a letter from his mother-in-law: "Why did you throw it away?!" "Tell her to stop sending letters in recycled Publishers Clearing House envelopes!!"

Many services that are commonly targets of abuse (online forums, mail servers, IRC networks, etc) block Tor. This is usually intentional. If you want your mail to be delivered, you'll need to back it up with your identity.


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