RAM question


I have 3 virtual servers with a brasilian ISP.

  • In first vs I have like 30 domains (with mail accounts, ftp, mysql).

  • In second vs I have like 50 domains (with mail accounts, ftp, mysql).

  • In third vs I have like 120 domains (with mail accounts, ftp, mysql).

Well, I think to get 3 linodes plans with you, but I don't know what

plan I must sign up according with the quantity of my domains ( if an

linode with 64MB, 128MB………..)

You can help me please?

Thank you.

1 Reply

It's very hard to say. A Linode 64 could have thousands of domains, if the sites are low-traffic and are just static files.

What kind of traffic does each site pull? How heavy do they each use mysql? How large are the databases? How "expensive" are the mysql queries?

You could start small (L64/96/128) and upgrade depending on your needs…



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