Play games on Linode

I don't know if this is a stupid question, but can i play games on my linode?

I have a desktop version of ubuntu installed that i remote into. I noticed the colors on my browser is not that great.

But, i installed a game with wine and it's asking me if i installed graphic drivers when i try to launch it.

It's just a game with simple graphics, can probably run on any laptop these days. I even have it on my pad.

is this even possible ?

5 Replies

I was able to play defendguin on KDE over NX. There's no sound though. Just try the one you want and see. I'm using KDE because I can't figure out how to get Unity or fallback or flashback or whatever, running on 14.04 over NX. KDE seems surprisingly fast.

Yes, you could… By forwarding OpenGL, or rendering it server-side…

But why would you? It's completely pointless.


Yes, you could… By forwarding OpenGL, or rendering it server-side…

But why would you? It's completely pointless.

How can i render it server-side if there is no GPU ?

Why would i? Let's just say i live in the Philippines, this is the land of difficult :P

You could use Mesa's software renderer, I suppose… but even the integrated graphics on a CPU would be faster… There is really nothing you could do remotely that would be better than running it locally…

Thanks for sharing the info.


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