all my disk images have disappeared?

Hi, I have a bit of a problem….

For some reason my disk images have somehow become a little corrupt i believe. I haven't done anything on my linode for quite some time but now have time to get back into what I originally planned to do, however now something appears to have gone amiss.

Since I havent been around for a while, I checked to see if anything had changed in the forums, but not being the best sysadmin I couldnt really see anything that would of caused this (and wouldnt expect to either).

For example:

[root@li-* root]# df -kh

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on

/dev/ubda 888M 888M 0 100% /

none 61M 0 61M 0% /dev/shm

This is rather strange, because this is not the disk images that I have created thru my linode.

If at all possible I would like to retain my current images (i dont know if thats possible at all in its current state???) as I have done quite a large amount of work (well, not that great, but I dont get that much time to do it ;) installing postfix, mysql, cyrus , sasl and webcyadmin and really dont want to go thru all that again if possible.

The disk images that I created thru my linode are as follows:

Red Hat 9.0 (Small) Disk Image

900 MB, ext3, readonly: No

Status: Ready

512MB Swap Image

512 MB, swap, readonly: No

Status: Ready


3000 MB, ext3, readonly: No

Status: Ready


700 MB, ext3, readonly: No

Status: Ready


400 MB, ext3, readonly: No

Status: Ready

I tried restarting, but this didnt seem to fix my problem. As far as I can tell however all my files are still intact and most things seem to be functioning…. however I have been getting some errors when i try to do some things.



3 Replies

ok… so that may of been really stupid of me…

i increased the size of the root partition. cool..

but im sure that I mounted those other images before I left off last time, perhaps I didn't anyway il try now.

:oops: :oops: :oops:

ok… sorry to waste your time if you bothered to read this… i guess I should just not worry about screwing something up and just going for it… ;)

1 point for me to mark up on my moron board…. :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

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