should I turn off my very low-use server when not in use?

I have a small site that is only intended for periodic use.

If my linode is OFF when not in use, I assume the linode is more secure, and I might even save a small amount of money.

Are there any downsides to turning my linode OFF when not in use?

Only thing I can think of is that I have to boot it before I can use it.

4 Replies

You will be charged regardless of the power state of the Linode.

The only downside would be that your site would be inaccessible while off, while gaining nothing.

I would leave it on.

I had a second linode for a while for testing- I always shut it down when not in use- simply for security. Wasn't an issue to boot it up- certainly boots faster than my desktop :)

Thanks for the replies, both of you. Glad I didn't miss anything!

You're talking about a VPS (the v means VIRTUAL), so shutting it down does nothing to save energy, the host is still churning thru those electrons.


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