Setup Postfix: Can get email from Gmail but not other places

Hi guys!

I setup postfix - with a catchall email. When I send a email from Gmail i get it , but from Yahoo email or from Twitter for example - it get nothing. And it doesn't bounce

Did I setup something wrong?

4 Replies


Did I setup something wrong?


Hi guys!

I setup postfix - with a catchall email. When I send a email from Gmail i get it , but from Yahoo email or from Twitter for example - it get nothing. And it doesn't bounce

Did I setup something wrong?
What does your mail log show when the mail comes in from Google vs. when you expected it to be delivered from those other providers?

When I send a email from gmail to the server - i get the email. When i look at the /var/log/mail.log with tail -f –- i get a full report on the connection.

If i send the email from or other places to - I dont get the email and mail.log or mail.err isnt triggered or added to at all! I wonder if its connecting to STMP ports at all!

Possible something going on with DNS/IPv4/IPv6 not set up right. Hard to know without your configs or a list of what ports are open, services listening and ports open in the firewall.


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