Video Game/LAN Party, Poughkeepsie NY (charity event)

One of the northeast’s biggest video game events is coming to the Mid-Hudson Valley this spring! Gaming For Hope will be held on April 24, 2004 at the McCann Center at Marist College. 100% of the admission price is being donated to a childrens' charity.

There will be tournaments for all your favorite computer and console games, with prizes awarded to champions. This event is open to everyone (under 16 must be accompanied by parent), so bring your friends!

If you're bringing your computer, be sure to register, as spots are limited!

Much more information available at

3 Replies

UPDATE: This is now a FREE event. There will still be a large donation to the charity, but there will be no up-front admission charge (voluntary donations still accepted).

Cool, I just posted this to my LUG: … 19142.html">

Bill Clinton

(thanks Bill)

The turnout was good, they raised some money, and everyone had a good time. Pictures here


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