files being deleted

Hey guys,

I have been having some issues with one of my servers for a while now, I thought I had it sorted but I came across a site on here where any file that are not assigned to root are being deleted.

Have you ever heard about this, is there something that I can check to find out where its coming from?


3 Replies

Assuming what you describe as happening, is actually occurring, in all likelihood, you've been compromised.

Only solution is to wipe your box clean, do a fresh install of OS and APPS, and restore your config/data from notes/backups.


vonskippy is probably right - you may have been compromised. But, in the off chance that your server is the culprit, could you provide more information?

  • specific examples of a file that was delete, when it was delete, etc.

  • what you did to make you think that it was corrected (and why you chose that approach/action).

  • a list of all cron jobs.

  • a list of all user accounts.

  • your OS, version, control panel software, etc.


Hey guys / girls,

Sorry for the delay in reply.

I am thinking now that it defiantly is compromised.

I have found a lot of spam files and code that is defiantly not mine appearing in random folders and stuff.

I have decided to deploy a new linode and shut this one down


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