Playing with bash...


this script

OGGI=$(date '+%b %e')
GREPOGGI=$(grep $OGGI $MAILLOG | grep $SENT | grep -c $SENT)


is supposed to count the sent email in the maillog file.

it does it very well but when I execute it says:

grep: 14: No such file or directory

where 27 is the number of the sent emails.

Why it works but than it says no such file?

2 Replies

Scripting 101

You need "" around $OGGI in the grep because OGGI has a space in it.

GREPOGGI=$(grep "$OGGI" …)

However, grep | grep | grep is… umm.

Can't you just do

GREPOGGI=$(grep -c "^$OGGI .* $SENT")


Scripting 101

You need "" around $OGGI in the grep because OGGI has a space in it.

GREPOGGI=$(grep "$OGGI" …)

However, grep | grep | grep is… umm.

Can't you just do

GREPOGGI=$(grep -c "^$OGGI .* $SENT")

thank you sweh.

I noticed that grepping on


gives me a more "reliable" number.

I don't care about the email sent from dovecot, dovecot carry emails around my system internally, I don't want to count that.

I want to count only the email sent to the external and that grep helped me.


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